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At last a college for those with too much time on their hands.
I’m an honours student
I majored in Toxic Waste.
I am going for my PHD for sure.
A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Uncreating a clean.
We encourage hands-on experience for the student body. He he.
Don’t forget their college rivals: Pretentious U.
Go Penn State!
”Don’t waste your time. That’s our job.”
Is this right down the road from Drunken State?
I knew they’d get around to my alma mater sooner or later.
How low do your SAT scores have to be to “get in” here?
But this sh*t is clean.
Good, so I can play ball with Tiger Woods there.
Is the mascot a seeing-eye dog?
Popular uni courses include B(A) Pornographic Film-making, B(A) Mass Fornication, B(BA) Brothel Management etc. The list goes on… (if anyone out there can help me)
And at some universities BA only stands for bare ass…
Much better than the Unclean Community College.
Do I see a t-shirt here? (engrish webmaster take note).
This Uni is infinitely superior. At the world masturbating titles recently, one of their students came first and third.
Est. 1976? If the makers were in on the joke, it would obviously be founded in ’69!
Motto “Cloaca Est”
Motto: Veni Vidi Fornicare
Trnslation = I came I saw I fornicated
Correction typo: Vini Vidi Fornicare
University of Impurity, Professor Dr. Rodney Dangerfield, Chancellor/President/Party Animal
If the Ivies can have satellite campuses in Japan, we can too!
Jerry Sandusky finally locates a major college football program that will accept him, no questions asked.
Oh I got it . . . Impurity is somewhere in Japan. A Town, perhaps.
Vici, Vidi, Veni.
(I conquered, I saw, I came).
Veni, Veni, Veni, Veni.
( I came, I came, I came, I came )
couldn’t resist.
And Yes, Peter Impurity is in Japan. Last place I knew was the Blue Onion Bar in Misawa.
Ah, I see the new Penn State collection is out!
@ Silly Uncle Willy–Oh I SO AGREE!!! Engrish.com, you HAVE to make a shirt out of this!! And add in the Est. 1969! Oh so perfect….
I graduated magna cum.
Is that a TARDIS on that shirt?
Class of ’90! LEGACY!