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It removes horniness, but it brings… wetness!
Well this is a new twist on not tonight dear I’ve got a headache.
Was endorsed by Michael Jackson but , y’know…
CAUTION: Do not apply this translation, etc.
An alternative to a cold shower, I guess.. 😀
“Captain, we’re approaching the horniness layer…”
Yah – They found a tube of this beside the propofol bottle.
It wields the whitening intenerate essence gently in the basket.
Dispelling horniness: it’s all fun and games until someone, if immodesty, looses an eyeball.
The good news is you’ll have bright, clear skin. The bad news is your horniness cell will fall off.
Just avoid horniness.
Oops, I did fatherly washing instead.
I have simply too many horniness cells.
Better make mine a double.
Dr. Bronner, you have met your match.
“Wield the product gently” XD
Bah! it only takes me 20 seconds to dispel my horniness.
If your eyeball offendeth thee, peel it out.
30 senconds to remove horniness . . . that’s half-a-mitnute, huh?
I remove horniness myself in half-a-sencond by looking at just any girl.
Yes! I signed the anti-SOPA petition! Nothing should prevent me from starting my day with my Engrish.com!
Strange. The whitening I get in the morning, is due to horniness.
intenerate = Make soft or tender.
Didn’t know there was any such word.
itenerate = tenderize.
Hmm. I usually tenderise meat, by belting it with a Mallet.
Dispel Horniness…? Sounds like a walk through WalMart!
At last I know what the girls I dated in high school were using.
new medical reports suggest that while lack of vitamin c may lead to death by scurvy, a significant increase in sex life also occurs, prompting many pundits to question whether to “live lonely, or die hard”
Rub out Horniness in 30 seconds…take care not to shoot Horniness into eye…
My wife doesn’t need it….She never suffers from horniness.
I just want to dispel the rumour that aging horniness is unnatural.
yeah, you definitely don’t want that stuff in your eye….
Warning: Product flammable when used in the Orgasmotron.
(For the confused, research “1970’s Woody Allen films.)
Is there an antidote for this?
Suggestive avoid eyeball into earball, dry and with pure air for 0 day.
Hmmm, should I choose Magic Missile or Dispel Horniness… decisions, decisions…
You’re just gonna have to face the wetness!
Given that it’s horniness we’re talking about here, avoiding immodesty is a good idea.