Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Welcome and Very Thank!
Soylent Pisa
You’ll pay the ultimate price. Plus ¥70, please!
Also check out the Adult Engrish of the Week!
Photo courtesy of Jessica Holifield.
Menu found in China.
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Do not stack the pisa more than five high, the pile will start leaning.
Complete with leaning tower.
The Party’s innovative new corporal punishment scheme combined brutal summary executions of the states’ enemies with tasty thick crust pan pizzas, emptying the jails and filling restaurants nationwide. Win win!
”Waiter… my Pisa collapsed…!”
I can’t help but feel sinful to eat the two human life pisa….
The Sinapore Curry doesn’t make me piss. Just the opposite in fact
Singapore – Damn.
I’ll have the Little Boy Pisa. With extra foreskin topping.
All Pisas must have foundations that comply wit AS2048standards so they won’t lean.
Pisa in Taipei…?
“I said it’s time for time for bed, Timmy. You wouldn’t want me to call the pizza shop, would you?”
Life Field: A binding, ubiquitous, metaphysical power with extra cheese.
The cannibal food critics weren’t impressed. The gave nearly all the pisas two out of five stars. The Signapore Curry Pisa got no stars, for obvious reasons.
Correction: They
“I’ll have the human life field pizza and could you try to make sure it’s nobody I know?”
A very old Child Pisa receipt:
1. Take the Child
2. Carefully fall from Pisa
NOTE: You can also use two Child-people and some Mosarella.
@ Lora: Correction #2: it’s ‘Singapore’. ;p
The menu at the Starship Enterprise cafeteria.
excuse me-I have to go take a pisa.
Please don’t tell me how they make the pepperoni.
@Michael: Similar to the way they make hot dogs. (You don’t want to know.)
“Two human Life filed Pisa”
SOILENT GREENS IS PISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Italian Man: I want “two pisa”!
Waiter: Well, go to the toilet then.
Italian Man: No, no! You don’t understand! I want “two pisa” on my plate!
Waiter: You better no piss on the plate, you sonofab*tch!!
”May I recommend our Adult Pissa, Sir? It’s VERY stable.”
In Chinese, pizza is translated to be “bi sa.”
Translation of the names:
Taibei Pizza
Kid/Child Pizza
Two People’s World Pizza (For Consumption by Two)
Singapore Curry Pizza.
Child better not pisa on my food or I kirr him real good!
The Pisa will lean but the Chinese will never learn
@jonnytbone: Redshirt pizza?
They haven’t sold one Child Pisa since MJ died…
lol @ Engrish teaching me Chinese. I didn’t know that the component characters of “world” were “life” and “field” (also translated as “boundary”/ “range”/ “kingdom”).
2 girls 1 pisa
We make our pisa with fresh children every day!
Waiter! This child pisa on my plate!!
Skip the Child Pisa, it was yesterday’s special