Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
Do NOT give him matches…
posted on 8 Dec 2011 in Clothing
Classic Engrish Repost!
He is also wanted in 5 states…
Photo courtesy of Min Min.
Shirt found in South Korea.
Originally posted 2006.12.9.
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The darker side of Mickey
Minnie: ” – Come on baby, light my fire!”
in other words he talks the most trash and then says BURNN!!
The current fashion at Hot Topic.
Must’ve used too much paint thinner in “Epic Mickey.”
Hey Micky!
Your so fine, your so fine you burn my mind.
Hey Micky!
Well, since he’s independent he didn’t need a leader anyway…
Amarchy s the natural state of the universe.
♫Oh Mickey you’re so icky,
Ticky tacky too♪
Wait until he gets all the Mouseketeers together for a house party. Disco inferno!
Burn to be wise!
Public Enema #1!
And thinking about SEX.
mickey kinda went off the deep end once minnie started seeing donald duck
♫ M-I-C-K-E-Y A-R-S-O-N ♫
All fires Mickey starts, Donald will be glad to pee on.
Who’s the leader of the club that burns both you and me,
A burn leader? One that turns everything into smoke? Didn’t know that Mickey is also a politician!
It’s positive if it’s the other burning!
Mickey Mouse stars in:
In theaters March 17, 1929
And dressed in black
I still prefer Wile E. Coyote. He’s a Super Genius, a Negative Thinker and a Carnivorous Vulgaris.
♫ Here comes the new boss…. ♫
♫ Same as the old boss ♫
♫And I get down on my knees a pray ♫
♫ We don’t get burned again ♫
Baby I was Burn to Run!
Now the workers have struck for fame!
He was hot for Minnie, until he found out she was f***in’ Goofy!