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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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The beautiful are so cruel.
Someone is into BSDM…
Some digs BSDM.
Mirror, mirror on the grass
Who is the fairest of them all?
It seems it’s already too late… Nice gravestone though!
“I’ll get you, my pretty. And your little dog, too!”
What a kidney request!
Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.
Epic fail . . . classical example when BOTH the translation AND the original text in the host language make no sense to any people at all.
It is OK to hurt me for your ugly though.
whoops . . . I mean “classic example . . . “
So that’s where they buried the remains of the Wicked Witch of the West.
Isn’t it bad enough that I’m buried here under a sidewalk for kids to drip ice cream on me and dogs to pee on my stone? Oh, no, YOU have to dump me just when I was really digging you! God, death is so unfair!
An Inconvenient Landscape
“You’ll have to make love to me very gently – I have acute angina.”
‘That’s good. ‘Cause you have really ugly boobs.’
Gollum, I’m warning you…stay off the grass.
Cast in stone, no less. Happy New Year 2012…looks like the fate of Engrish.com is secure.
“Don’t hurt me for your beauty.”
I think it might be a sign used to discourage people from sunbathing on the grass and crushing them, or something.
Continued on next stone…
Thank you for your kind!
Dont hurt me for you are pretty.
My “pretty” wants a sacrifice so i’m going to hurt you, MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
What about a little dog too?
Captioning by Strange Dog and Crabby Monkey
@SF: “Mirror, mirror, in the grass,
Who ‘s the finest piece or arse?”
Huh, the translation is awkward but still somewhat accurate… What trickery is this? What does it mean?
“No picking flowers”?