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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Just I want your here.
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Well this just makes me liver.
Well, you know the function of kidney don’t you? So, piss on the convoyer belt now and then piss off!
Uterus are kidney assed to prostate all gonads on the colon belt. Intestines detailing GAS may be cleaned out only on the day of aperient. Gall bladder validation at the customer surgery desk. Complaints can only be accepted if the body part is produced. Please keep your organs. Thank you for your patients and underwear.
We use pre dickhead text erection.
I gave them my kidney. Now I’m out of patience and understanding and I want them at least to apologize for my incontinence!
I placed all my internal organs on the conveyor belt, but I am still waiting patiently for the receipt.
The receipt has gone down the brain.
Actually the German reads OK. Must be speaking English that kills you.
This is why I don’t fly any more.
If you fail to make minimum monthly payments your kidney will be repossessed.
All that plus a speech by Hitler! Who could ask for more?
Hmm, requesting body parts in Germany. Was this sign made by Dr, Frankenstein by any chance?
For non payment we will hack hohohohohehehe,cut hohohohoh,slice hahahahaha, disembowl, hawhahwahaw, dismember hehehehhohohohoho.
We will have a lovely time. Won’t we kiddies?
Are you kidneying me?
Dr Mengele is vaitink for you.
@ Eccekio: Also Dr. Heiter.
In the house in Rileh dead, Cluthu lies waiting.
Who’s the half-assed idiot using all the semi-colons ?!
I’m sorry sir. I hear what you are saying, but i am not listening. If you would like me to listen to he problems you have had with our service I will need your receipt. Without that, we….well…don’t really care!
The title should be “Be kidney – please wewidney”. ;-p
You can put my goods on the belt.
But you cant touch my bads.
I’m not hungary anymore.
@seventy2rd o clock: Good one! Wish I’d thought if it.
Well I would have given them an Arm and a Leg, but they would only accept my kidney! Darn airport security!
And don’t forget there is an anal increase in VAT (!!)
This sort of error rouses my spleen!
If kidney is not sufficient for your cooperation, we have other methods.
Kindness failure.
Does anybody know what ‘mehrverstener’, ‘dientshalter’, ‘könnenur’ and ‘etgegen’ means?
When people make a kidney request, we should give a hearty response.
@72rd o’ clock
Dien/ duienen = to serve
Schalter = switch; period of service, seniority
Dien(en)schalter = not sure – servo-switch perhaps
Verstehen = understand (ing)
Mehr = majority; more; to a greater extent.
Mehrverstehen = The understanding of the majority (is ——-)
Entgegen = contary to; against.
Are you sure you got the spelling correct?
Grusse……Marum.(Die schachspielen Katze)
PS. you bet my brain with that. After all I am only a little cat.
Typo Dien/dienen (verb)
Konnen = knowledge; ability etc.
er = he
Honnener= who knows? know it all perhaps.
Typo again = Konnener
Would you please tag all your organs. In the event of a crash, we can reasseble you for burial.
EDIT: Reassemble
OK I only glanced at the German text. On closer inspection it is as stuffed as the English. But it make no sense at all – only phonetically.
Mehrwertsteuer = Goods and services tax or V.A.T
Dienschalter = service-desk
(sic) Kustern dienschalter =customer service desk
Konnenur= Sentence statrs off: Bestatigung konnen gegen Vorlage = Verification/confirmation. known against Original —-
Gotta go – mice to catch.
Meow meow…… Marum.
Episode IV – A New Tax
It was a time of Engrish in the Empire….
German is also wrong … spelling mistakes … strange combinations of words … but not as funny as English
VAT did you say???
Great … Engrish and Gelman.
Okay, I’ll Comply – but my little dog too? no Auntie Em – Not Toto!
The German is just as broken as the English. Rough translation:
We request our valued customers to place all goods on the coneyor belt. An invoice with add-fortakx we can [unreadable] on the day of payment. Receit and vali-dation of guarantees at the customer Servicedeck. Requests for returns caonly were ac epted if the receipt is produced.