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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Floor fray ploker or blige land heny hother clard glaim.
Inother Troduct of Trong Pirst Jetter of Hach Vord Fompany.
A test to keep a poker face.
The Rame of Kinish — the most feared card of the Tarot.
It’s weird – they spelled ‘POKER’ correctly.
But at least the rest seems OK…
Joker owns the company cuz his name is spelled correctly.
Special “Lord of the Rings” edition.
Chant this three times at midnight at stonehenge on the winter solstice to summon Cthulu onto our plane of existence.
A million monkeys at a million typewriters will eventually produce the warning label on a pack of cards…. eventually.
Ghat’s right. Mou rot a croblem with mhat?
Whew! I’m glad that’s been clarified. I certainly would not want to sfgdfringe your Lrade Yark!
RAMEN – Japanese noodle dish
RAME – Rare English word which means ‘branch’
RAM – Random Access Memory chip in a computer
RA – Ancient Egyptian sun god
R – One of the most confused letters in Engrish alphabet (e.g. Rame = Name)
Twas bryllyg, and ye lrade yark
Did eesing and tsed in ye qards:
All kinish were ye borogoves;
And ye mome wpades glaim.
If you see a card marked with a Q, it’s actually a king.
Typos? We have them in wpades!
That is one thick accent
Whatever card game this is I am sure of one thing….I am probably going to lose a lot of money playing it……
Shuffling letters is a great tactics to confuse other card players – they will never learn the rules.
What color is the ace of wpades? Rlack or Bed?
Adds new meaning to the expression “read em’ and weep”.
“Got any threes?”
“Geaux ghoti.”
Phew . . . My four packs of playing qards most sertainly haven’t got the Qing of Wpades in them, otherwise I’m never tsing them again (!!)
These cards were passed down from the Medieval Ages.
The only Qard you see,
You know it’s gonna be
The Ace of Wpades! The Ace of Wpades!
I knew this reminds me of something:
”Oh freddled gruntbuggly
Thy micturations are to me
As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee
Groop I implore thee…”
Can’t wait to see No. 100 card set!
Is this Engrish or Welsh?
Dr Zuess wrikes again.
The extra suit Wpades. This deck has 65cards.
And 10 Wpades is worth 451.5 points when playing 500.
The right bower of Quades has a picture of the Grindersnitch on it.
POSITION QVAILABLE: Hiring Mrofessional typist. Must type at oeast 120 wpm. Wccuracy not ymportant. Send all Kwrrespondence ATTN: Rame of Kinish Tsed, P.O. Box No. 99, Lrade Yark, XQ.
There once was a Rame of Kinish,
That had a very fine finish,
It made its mark,
With a fine lrade yark,
That its value did not diminsh
It looks like Christina’s last name may have been caught in the random letter generator also.
Bad Typist + Bad Scanner + Bad Spell-Checker = ?
Never been one to call a whovel a wpade myself but quite like the idea of playing qards with the Rame of Kinish Tsed!
SF – Congrats on earning my eternal respect with your “Middle Engrish” verse. +1 to you, good sir.
I love the way Engrish can come across as someone speaking with a really thick accent.
Dyxlexic Einstein’s God doesn’t play dice but He does play cards.
I doubt anyone else has claims on those rights.
… so, I can copy everything else?
I know that the Wpades are the Wwords or the Woldiers
I know that the Qlubs are Seapons of Sar,
I know the Eiamonds are Boney for this Art
Lhat’s not that Whape of my Peart.
I know that the Wpades are the Wwords of the Woldiers
I know that the Qlubs are Seapons of Sar,
I know the Eiamonds are Boney for this Art
Lhat’s not that Whape of my Peart.
It looks like someone got stuck between English, Arabic and Klingonese. Perhaps it’s Klinglish? And perhaps the deck is for a game of fizzbin?
No you can’t qead my qoker qace….
Those cards are counterfeit Bee cards, of extremely poor quality. They are also marked (you can tell what cards they are by markings on the back of the cards.
Really. We’ve commissioned two big biker hitmen named Rame and Eesign from the country of Kinish. And if you Tsed on our glaim of exclusive rights, we’ll have the guys Tsed on you various Quards.
i thought Kinish Tsed was a Jewish thing.
Oh hell, just liquor up front and poker in the rear.
Hey I recognize that, that’s the language they always use when speaking over the P.A. system at amusement parks.
Hey! I got a Fraight stlush! Wead them and reep, dubby.