Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Just I want your here.
Must be the stuff Betty White is taking
“I’m old enough to be your daughter!”
Photo courtesy of Joshua Ogden-Davis.
Found in Guangzhou, China.
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Warning: Keep away from children who appear to be 10 years of age or younger
And if I’m nine.
Does it cure cancer as well.
K9 effective ?
I have a male Siberian Husky that is exactly 9-years-old this week ^_^
“So I kind of thought, if we like, you know, mix botox with time travel and stuff, it would like, you know, be so cool and like, so good for humanity and all…”
Ms. P Hilton, 2012 dual Nobel laureate (Physics & Medicine)
So if I’m 30 and I look 20 then this would make me younger than my daughter?!
It’s a simple procedure. All it involves is sending 1.21 jiggawatts through your face.
It puts the lotion in the chronosynclastic infundibulum.
Look, honey, Viagra for women!
So what are you now, 30? You don’t look a day over 40.
Special deal – three for the price of four.
The plastic surgeon tried the new technology on himself. He is now 30 but looks 40!
I heard you like youth so I put some youth in your youth.
Let’s do the time warp again!
– ‘How was school today, honey, now let’s play tic-tac-toe, come on, we’ll have fun, pleeease?!’
– ‘Umm, Mom… when will you grow up again?’
In the dictionary under “redundant” it says “see redundant”
@Kitsune: I thought the definition of “recursive” was “see recursive.” 🙂
Now when people tell you to act your age, you’ll have a real reason not to!
– Hey, I’m 30 years old and everybody says I look 45, so I used RF-6, and it made me 35 years old – that’s older than I really am! And I still look 45!
– Yes, horrible! Do you know what happened to me? My teenage son used this thing and now he wants me to change his diapers!
It’s a simple procedure. All it involves is placing this woman’s head on your body.
Well you look 25 mam, but how do i know you are old enough to drive….please step out of the car…
So that’s how the Chinese gymnasts get away with it.
RF-6, a gentle, all natural, oil-free lotion for dry skin, lines, wrinkles and the Grandfather Paradox.
It’s like a tricky wish from some fairy-tale – it makes you 10 years younger than you LOOK, not 10 years younger than you really ARE.
Even better, this thing makes you RELATIVELY 10 years younger.
Does it work for all parts of your body?
Does the effect stack?
…however, it does not change you if you are ugly.
Oil of Olay plus Thiotimoline
“Why don’t you have a seat right over there?”
I’m blind. If I used it, would I be able to see how I looked? I have a braille keyboard etc.
So it actually makes you look ten years older?
Why do I think this is just the packaging for a fake ID?