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Ruhhing freh
Cowgirh up!
They need a haddle. And a horheman.
“Three Horhe Mane” T-Hhirt
Maybe somebody was thinking about Jorge Luis Borges when writing this and then unconsciously wrote “Jorge” phonetically.
Great shirt for dyslexic hookers!
♫A horhe ih a horhe of courhe, of courhe, and no one can talk to a horhe of courhe, that ih of courhe unlehh the horhe ih the famouh Mr. Ed.♫
I prefer “mews” to “horhe house”.
A horse with a morally casual attitude.
What a load of horhehhit!
No, his name’s spelled J-O-R-G-E.
The German word for shoe is horhe
Hhe wah only a farmer’h daughter
But all the horhemen knew ‘er.
Isn’t Horhe Spanish for “George”?
Perfect for the Olympich Equehtrian Gameh.
Horeback riding is fun, but rather expensive.
Horheh-heh-hehe-hahaha! Ho hilly!
By Horhe Lopez
Thats what all the girls say.P:.
What a male horshe is called.
The little brown horhe looks emaciated. Maybe they were all given a diet of acid bean dirty and green pepper beef wire. The glaze in the big brown horhe’s eyes is a sign s/he had assorted small pot head.
They taste good with whoresradish.
Horheh or home kind of ponieh, I can’t hay for hure.
He claimed she was an old friend from college, but we all knew she was a horhe. Everyone young man in the county had seen that Appal-hoohah at least once.
Horhe, the correct way to spell Jorge.
Horhe and Heysoose!
Something is about to horsey!
What’s up with the giant brown horhe head coming out of the white horhe?
The Horhe says Neigs! Neigs!
…the Mexican jumping horse!
Lena Horhe is gonna be upset that the manufacturer didn’t consult her before printing that t-shirt.
Now who’s the good horhey? Yes you are!
The Spanish remake of Trigger
you had one job
What truly amazed me is the fact that one can misspell something as simple as “horse” AND they did it when they have to write only one word in the whole shirt. Bless these people.