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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Gives a warm feeling doesn’t it
Steaming prompt. That dog just laid down a piece of poop creating a dirty!
warm> make clean
warm> make: *** No rule to make target `clean’. Stop.
Everything is made in China nowadays. Even the clean.
Picked up a credit card. Creating a clean sweep.
Good thing that he didn’t pick up a fast-food bag. That would have needed a monument the size of the Arc D’Triomphe
Well, at least they got “Thank You” right…
‘Mommy, look, it’s a clean!’
‘OK, you can take it home, but wash your hands before you touch it.’
Wrote random words on a board , creating a sign.
Wrote random words on a board, creating a sign.
Hot Prompt: Pick up a chick. Creating a mess.
What’s a clean doing on the floor anyway? It will get dirty!
My dog dropped a piece of feces.
Created a dirty.
We are warming you!
…and the award for unintentional Haiku goes to–
warm prompt (triangle)
picked up a piece of paper
creating a clean
cool prompt (with pink triangle)
picked up a boy
creating a hot
Happiness is a warm prompt.
In my country we put up historical markers for battles and other messes.
You are in Quangzhou, China.
There is a piece of paper here.
Warm? take paper
You have made a clean!
Warm? _
If you get a warm prompt, please move out the of the path of the yellow stream.
At least it’s more polite than http://adult.engrish.com/2009/01/30/weve-had-problems/#comments.
Clean complete.
please cooperate with!
The Autobot Clean Sweep could never figure out why he wasn’t invited into battle…until Optimus pointed out that his transformed state made it hard for him to “roll out”.
Enough already..so you picked up a piece of paper…you don’t need a monument to yourself.
Thank you,
Don’t touch that soap, your hands are dirty!