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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Did I mention miserably?
posted on 19 Oct 2011 in Household Items
Diagnosis: Trapsis Hormiess. Prescription: Romantic rat night life!
Photo courtesy of Alistair Israel.
Sticky mousetrap made in China.
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No wonder I felt so miserably at DisneyLand
So after one romantic night they miserably miserably miserably die? Sounds kinda like my life.
Isn’t that always the way? Visions of romantic rat nite life, but then miserably and miserably and miserably die?
“Yesss, ssstick the rat trapsis, my preciousss.”
From the makers of Roach-World.
I’ll pass on the Power Gum, thanks. I’m quite content with HubbaBubba.
So little creature, so much romance, and why so much hatred? No wonder mouse-land is filled with so many miserablly, miserablly and miserably deaths.
I’d like a refund on my Mouse-Land product please. The rodents are only dying miserably, which I think you’ll agree is vastly different from ‘miserably and miserably and miserably!’
Well at least he went down fighting
I just want them out of the house, not entertained and then tortured to death!
Mouse-Land: When pest control gets personal.
“Do you expect me to talk, Goldfinger?”
“No, Mister Bond, I expect you to miserably and miserably and miserably die.”
(Oh my… where to begin? This is an instant classic Engrish IMHO.)
Mouse-Land: A well known scam for rats who think they won a vacation in a theme park. Expecting lots of fun, but ending up facing a multi-miserable death.
Of course, they should have figured out it was a scam (a.k.a trapsis)… Why would a RAT go to MOUSE-land? Let alone expecting “romantic night life”…
Rat upons a mouse land!
”Stick it up your hormiess rat a**!”
Oh, the outrageous fortune upons the strange monster…
Hormiess is a dead rat…
Courtesy of Buckwheat Advertising Associates.
Did I mention that they miserably die?
Rats live romantic life yet they miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably miserably oh so miserably
– miserably
– miserably, well, can you say misearbly
– miserably
– miserably
AND miserably! die from TRAPSIS HORMIESS.
Sounds like my first marriage. At the begining there was romantic night life and charming dashing. The she became a strange monster and my life got more miserably, miserably, miserably…
Causa Mortis: Mousis Trapsis (et cetera).
Rat A: Hey buddy, why do you look so miserable? Rat B: I just came back from the vet… I got Trapsis Hormiess. Rat A: No way!!! How did you get that? Rat B: I went to Mouse-Land… you know… for “romantic night life” and “charming dashing habit”… *wink-wink notch-notch* Rat A: I thought that Mouse-Land is a reputable… ahem… place! Rat B: It used to be, but since the Power Gum Development took over things are sliding… Rat A: You should have gone to Rat-Land, man… So, how bad is your TH? Rat B: The vet said that I… Read more »
May you rest in peace in peace in peace…I only have sympathy to you since you have spent one romantic night life with me though.
It’s an adhesive MOUSE-PAD!
You want a world beat the path your door?
Build romantic bady monster trap miserably.
Bady is none to happy about it.
“Round up all at one fell swoop.” Seems like you need to actually swing it at the rats to make them stick to it.
CAUTION: Don’t use rat as a mouse.
OK now… this one has GOT to be a joke!
That is one inhumane-sounding rodent trap! 🙂
One swell foop you are, Mr Rat !
Now we know how Batman catch all Bady:
With Power Gum, namely glue.
Best one in many a moon. No way it’s simply a mouse pad. Great comments, all! Really Laughing Away into my keyboard. The cat is gloating mightily to know that the mice are going to die miserably miserably miserably.
They’ll double the miserably if you call before midnight tonight.
Beware! Do not confuse Disneyland in Anaheim with Mouseland in Bady, a small world for rats after all.
Insanely great!!!
i think this mouse trap causes the mice to hallucinate so much they think they’re 45 and living at home with their parents in the basement without a job. that would explain the miserably ^ 3 death.
Is that a mouse pad?
♫ The greatest adventure lies ahead ♫
♫ So Carry on poor Lemmyrat. or you will soon be dead ♫
I am Bady, and I endorse this product.
“It’s like a word journey”
The Mouse Has Landed!
But no, seriously, I don’t even wanna try to figure out what it could originally mean.
It’s funny packaging and I rated it 5 stars for that but I do want to make a serious comment on how inhumane glue traps really are. “Miserably and Miserably and miserably die is a pretty good description of how trapped rodents die in these, stuck on a board, unable to move, they can get their mouth stuck on the adhesive and suffocate, they can starve to death, some rats will chew off their own legs in an attempt to escape. Nothing will ruin a romantic night more.
Die, strange monster! You don’t belong in this world!
Power Gum Development … version 2.0 now out, free of bugs.
Nonsuch: Someone needs to invent a conibear (instant kill) trap for mice.
Die, you miserable bady!
I’d guess this has something to do with the Texas prison system.
Does PETA know about this?