Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish - never against.
To one best day!
posted on 8 Aug 2011 in Signs
Dude, I think she’s into me…
Photo courtesy of “Insprucegrove”.
Signage found at entrance to pachinko parlor in Okayama, Japan.
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Poster girl for the Hotel BJ.
She is certainly a peculiarity indeed.
“Every day carries out and it is and is space. It is a frame frame excitement land here.” — Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Hawking and Bimbo.
I just want to do happily without falling. Nothing else.
This may explain why the massage parlor sign is telling me to keep my balls in my pocket.
“Help I’ve fallen and I can’t do happily!”
wink wink, nudge nudge, frame frame.
This poster has left 20 messages and e-mailed me 10 times today….
I think we should see other people.
So, you’re saying you’re a fallen woman?
Just don’t trip her and you’re in, bro!
If I can get that drunk without having fallen, then it truly is one best day !
If I can that drunk without having fallen, then it truly is one best day !
!! ?? my second (corrected) post got there first.
Did anyone notice the Apple logo? (In the reflection.)
Do happily without having fallen! If no fall in the 4 hour, physician please notify.
“You also surely become a peculiarity!” Indeed.
My heart heats with love for me
….and I can’t get up.
The poster babe, the Apple logo, the cavalcade of broken happy talk…I have indeed become a peculiarity.
Love, love me do–sung by the gaijin woowoo babe.
Are you sure you’re absolutely here? I’m only asking because you look rather fake, like a cardboard cutout.
I feel more peculiar already!
I fall for fallen women.
The heart heats at the prospect of cardboard cutouts doing happily while speaking Engrish impeccably
You are so peculiar! Sorry to confess that my love for you is 100% out of curiosity
that pic looks like a still shot of Rachel McAdams in “The Hot Chick”
Why did he stop writing?
No, I won’t spend even ONE best day with you! You called me a peculiarity!