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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Tight Dependence Engrish.
Policy at TIT Tower
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Its all busom to me.
“Sorry ma’am, but you’ll have to get those checked up front at the T.I.T. department. It’s policy.”
I guess TITs are not prohibited?
“Floor DD please.”
TIT Tower – it’s a similar situation as in Fawlty Towers:
”Wir hab Meat hier in ZeeBuilding!”
There’s a lot of in-out at the T.I.T. Department.
”Hello, I brought a lion, two large dogs, five cats, a parrot and a box of rats into the building, so I was wondering if I can punish fine penalty of 2000 Bath? With hot water if possible, please.”
Seems like an awful lot of rules for a girly bar…
It’s very important to be up-front with the T.I.T Department.
So I should get permission from TIT… will me dear Dick help me with that?
Due to the norcotic Due to the norcotic we slipped in your drink, reading these rules may bluster annoy and trouble you.
The maximum length of lease for resident inside T.I.T. Tower is 9 months.
If these are apartments, then they must be flat T.I.T.s.
T.I.T. Tower, the place to go for a room with a view.
In case of morability…. well….. tough titty, dude.
No pool parties in a TIT tower? What kind of madness is this?
I feel utterly utterly violated violated.
Ooh, I’ve violated ALL the rules! Punish me, punish me! I’ve been soooooo bad….
TIT Titans GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zen #1: Outsider in-out inside Building?
Zen #2: When ever Building!
Taking too many norcotics leads to morability.
May I bluster and partially violate?
I do see the logic of forbidding people to eat or drink while in the pool. (But you can hold parties there: only pool-SIDE parties are banned.)
Think they’re overusing the word “TIT?”
@Dog Chapman : Please observe Rules #8 and #14.
@Beth Chapman: Please observe all TIT rules.
Tower utterly!
Tits aside, this must be the Thai HQ of the famous IN&OUT Burger.
#3: into kinky things are we?
Darn. For I moment I thought this would be for the “Tokyo Institute of Technology”, a highly respected university here…always wanted their sweatshirt!
In, out, in, out, WHAT’s IT GONNA BE !?!
Just ONE tower? Not TWIN towers???
Not sure whether to feel curious & intrigued, or repelled….
In-out! Let’s get crackin’. (Let’s see if anybody gets this one.)
Great examples for grammar text book.
“Seize bail bond?” Seems like these are working girls who misbehave and are being punished. What a nice judicial system!
You know what happens when you violate the policy, right? It’s perpetually T.I.T. for T.A.T.
“Violate have to on trial judicial and seize bail bond”
now what exactly gives them the right to keep me from getting bailed out of jail through a bail bondsman?
I heard you like violate so I put some violate in your violate!
Brilliant Idea: TO BE INCLUDED IN ALL MY WORK CONTRACTS: “There are increased for the Special cost as Working Overtime”
You may not bluster, annoy, or trouble others…
But cajoling, intimidating and aggravating are still permitted… as long as you never bluster. Bluster will result in punish.
Okay, already, I get it! Don’t mess with the TIT!
*insert me gusta face here*
Poor pool! First you won’t let it side party, and now no food or drink? But…it’s just not that deep!
@mickeygreeneyes ;p “Meet Tony and me at the gym at…10! And walk tall!”
“They say that life is TIT for TAT, and that’s the way I live. So I deserve a lot of TAT for what I’ve got to give!”
I thought it said “BALL bond” and thought “these guys don’t mess around”.
But what does the place look like? Is it dome-shaped, with a reddish-pink spire on top that gets longer in cold weather?
Stay somewhere else, the building doesn’t want you to “liquor” by the poolside.