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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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I’m glad they have an Engrish menu…
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Those halogen intestines really shine in this menu!
Who needs ninjas when you have Dutch cowboys?
The taste turkey approves of this menu, even though it is annoyed.
If this is Christmas, I can not wait to see what the Halloween menu is like.
“American west cold beefsteak” … out here on the lonesome prairie, that’s what we calls leftovers.
The milk-fish platoon, led by Niu Banjian, first spell roasts the turkey. It is then buried and eventually dug up by the Dutch cowboys. It all makes perfect sense.
Mmmmm, Christmassy Chinesely!
‘Waiter, give me three human of shares menu – but I want three American cowboys to share!’
Starts with shining intestines and ens with a mystical gift. Brightens up my day.
Meat is murder. But this menu is a massacre.
Everybody’s casting spells to roast these turkeys – the Dutch cowboys, the milk-fish platoon, and Niu Banjian. Doesn’t anybody use a good, old-fashioned oven anymore?
Mystical gift – “Merry Christmas, here’s your griffin.”
@FatKenney: They could use a Dutch oven.
Dutch cowboy – Bucky Johansen
Note to customers: All meals must be shared only with humans. Absolutely no doggie bags.
‘Mommy! I see dead people!’
That platoon *must* be tricky if it knows how to milk a fish.
“My Niu Banjian casts Fire Level 3 on the turkey.” “The turkey is defeated! Your reward is black pepper juice.”
Can’t believe I’m the first to post this, but, “Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra Ra-ra-ra-ra!”
Hey, my fungus juice went berserk!!
Do the Dutch cowboys dig up the turkey fresh at your table, or is it is imported?
Magical Mystery Meal.
Funny menu. Now, is there any human who I can share laughter with?
♫ Oh, give me a home where the tricky milk-fish roam,
Where the dikes and the tulips play.. ♫
Manhattan Clam soup … i did not know that, is Manhattan a castle or something ?
More of Bender’s cooking?
Can I have menu A? After three cups of red wine, I’m wiling to share anything I have with anyone.
Halogen intestines?? Are those, those little wire things that stick in your teeth, that are inside a halogen lamp?
I’d say it was “Table d hote”. But I wouldn’t in Engrish.
I personally prefer cold turkey over excavated one.
I may be wrong, but i think “niu” means “beef,” and “ban jian” is a type of bean paste used as a flavoring or condiment. Not that this makes the menu any clearer…
More than three humans getting out of shares as the stock market slides. Blame it on the Cream Bacon Pumpkin soup, they should have waited till Halloween
@fatkenney dude, Johansen is NOT a Dutch name… You’re going to make the Dutch Cowboys dig up spell and roast you!
I guess someone needs dime bags to come up with something as cool and funny as Dutch cowboys…
My ancestors were Dutch cowboys, but they didn’t stop by China on the way over.
The chinese like to pirate everything. They even stole the menu from Hogwarts.
What part of the cream does bacon come from? Must be one of them Amsterdam Old West secretes.
i didn’t know dutch cowboys practiced sorcery and witchcraft.
The fungus juice is very wild. Dont say we didnt warn you.
”Mr. Niu Banjian spells ‘roasts the turkey’ – correctly! Congratulations Mr. Banjian, you’re the winner of today’s cuisine quiz. The second place belongs to Mr. Dutch cowboy, who spelled…”
Just can’t remember anymore whether my mom roasted her turkey using black pepper juice or wild fungus juice
reminds me of two girls one shares
If you don’t like your meal return it for a full refund, but keep the mystical gift!
Jimmy states his possession of turnips is for peaceful, non-military uses.
Susie’s intelligence reports claim otherwise.
On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me; a halogensalad shining bright-ly
On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me; green pepper turkey and a halogensalad….
On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me; lots of fungus juice, green pepper turkey, and a halogensalad….
On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me; Four mystical gifts, lots of fungus juice…
On the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me; Five Dutch Cowboys…..
Dutch Cowboys! I wish I knew how to quit you!
The mystical gift is cholera
I would guess the wild fungus juice is really a mushroom sauce, and the cowboy is usually veal . No clue on most of the others.
What I read just did? menu tasteless stuff fridge monster have shoes in oven, like man in bin.
♫ Some people call me the Dutch Cowboy, some call me the Gangster of Love. Some people call me Maurice, ‘coz I speak, of the Halogen of Love…♫