Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish Welcome to Our!
Even TMZ has a branch…
Natalie Wood, Leif Erickson and Charles Bark-ley were here…
Photo courtesy of Lucienne B.
Found in Dali, Yunnan China.
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Lindsay Lohan vs. Kasparov, perhaps?
There has been a proliferation of celebrities lately. Where’s my chainsaw?
If Norman Fell in the forest, would he make a sound?
Look behind the sign
Woody Harrelson to Queen-Bishop four.
Actually, the translation is accurate.
Celebrity forest – a cheap knockoff of the Holly woods.
Hansel and Gretel wandered through the celebrity forest. Then, in a clearing, they came to Roseann Barr’s house made of gingerbread.
Great material for a chessy horror movie.
The only thing more nauseating than Deep Forrest
This explains all the celebrity pawn!
I like the chest game better.
Home of the sappiest sitcoms and most wooden performances.
With my luck, it’ll be Ed Wood.
It’s hard to see the forest for the paparazzi.
If it is a “Celebrity Forest” (and that’s what the kanji says), who is Zhenlong Chess? And what’s his game?
I had dinner with Zhenlong once. Unfortunately the restaurant had a checked tablecloth. It took him twenty minutes to pass the salt.
Is that your game in your pocket. Or are you packin? (Mae Ling)
“you must defeat sheng long to stand a chance.”
zhen long, on the other hand… umm, good luck with that.
The only forest that gives autographs.
Other people, including me, live in a vast area of Peasant Shrubbery. But… hey, where’s my Queen …?
“Run, Forest! Run!”
Zhenlongs’s game, is sneaking up on celebritys in the forest, and giving them a BIG surprise.
I would assume chess game refers to a location that has a monumental board set up for Chinese chess where tourists can take pictures and whatnot.
Forest Whitaker?
I’ve been wondering what became of Edward Woodward…
…and on your left, Marla Maples
“Don’t move until you tree it.”
Zhenlong always wins, he always sees tree moves ahead.
In the Matt Damon vs. Tom Hanks match, it took an hour at least for each to make a move…having to uproot their pieces and all.
Rorschach: Zhenlong Chess. How’s your game?