Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Tight Dependence Engrish.
Standard Bond-villain desk control panel
posted on 28 Jul 2011 in Chinglish
Affection, infection, reflection, rejection.
Photo courtesy of G pan.
Hotel console panel found in Gui Lin China.
Supposed to say “recessed lights in ceiling”.
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I won’t tell you my evil plans with that mirrorr, herrr Bond!
Following the eradication of smallpox from general circulation in 1979, only three sites were officially sanctioned to retain viral particles for peaceful research purposes. They were: CDC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; The Vector Institute, Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia; & Rooms 20-60, The Holiday Inn, Gui Lin, China.
Would you turn down the bed and call the service desk? I can’t get the floor to work.
For pox call the reception.
Press the button and out comes the vial
NOTE: In case there’s no floor, use the ladder and turn on the fourth switch from the left.
Commencing smallpox self-destruct sequence in 10, 9, ……
All of a sudden that Checkout 10 Noon place doesn’t sound so bad.
Room Service, one body bag, please.
“Hello, room service? Can I get a virulent strain of anthrax to room 413 please?”
If there’s smallpox shortage, please notify the hotel personnel immediately.
A bed with adjustable volume?
This bed goes all the way to 11.
Smallpox, small pucks…easy mistake to make.
This is only a 4 star hotel. At a 5 star hotel you get the black plague.
No ‘BATH TYRANT’ button?!
Let’s see you get out of this one, Mr. Bond.
I’ve heard of things going “viral” on the internet, but this is ridiculous!
That explains the vaccine in the micro fridge.
CAUTION: There’s absolutely no need to turn on the SMALLPOX button if you already suffer from any kind of known or unknown fatal disease(s) or if you intend to pass away in near future. Don’t forget about other guests who are tired and want to find peace here!
I can remember when the coin operated Magic Fingers bed was a big deal.
A scene from “The Man with the Golden Bedknob.”
Commenters outdid themselves today. Full five points.
I am verry much in favourr of yourr mirrorr..
Iff you can’t find sie floor you vill hav to sleep on the ceiling.
A pox on your console!
The hotel for discriminating suicidals, rendering Dr. Kevorkian’s inventions obsolete!
Floor must remain on at all times
Aw man, have you got the spare viruses? The smallpox switch is broken again. Also, the floor keeps disappearing, what’s that all about?
seriously, how can a translation error be that drastic?
A pox on both your consoles
‘I’m sick of the smallpox dear, it’s been turned on since yesterday morning.’
I’ll pass on the small pox thank you very much.
I guess a bit just got left off.. 天花板 means ceiling whilst 天花 means small pox.
how come the person posting this picture was only brave enough to turn on the floor switch??
Well, 天花 is smallpox, isn’t it? http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A4%A9%E8%8A%B1
「天花板」 is floor. 「天花」is smallpox.
don’t do it! remember what happened last time?
Don’t turn on the floor or we’ll go back in time.
“Hello, Receptionist… yes… there’s been a mistake, i booked the room with the Large Pox…”
天花板 actually means ceiling, not floor
5-Star pox on a plate….. but it’s the floor I come here for.
Yeah, but this bed goes to eleven…
hahahahahahahaha… bed can increase size? smallpox for self destruct? … floor – special escape for villains… hahahahahhaah
I like how the surface has been polished to a high gloss…
I like how the surface has been polished to a high gloss…
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