Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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It all looks so good! (Warning: contains 4-lttr word)
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Buckwheat of Korea. O-Tay, Mister Park!
Is the System Leg 64 bit? (I’m really hungry.)
[Fry the four letter words, there’s a ton a material here without them.]
I like a tight vegetable not a flabby one
The garlic burns the chicken, but we can’t fry the fish! That’s f*cking unfair!
What happened to the good old numbered Chinese menu? I can just stick to my usual choice, No. 69, Special combination.
I would like to order the sour and hot cucumber and serve it between the fragrant chicken leg
OK… I’m not shocked by the “Specially made dog meat”, but just how much meat is there on a joss stick?
Ya, that beef river powder had it comin’
I can’t decide between a 4-letter classic and a hot skirt… any suggestions?
A joss-stick, please. And please add the internet lard connection.
I usually say that about frying the fish anyway…
Mouse: “You take chicken, for example: maybe they couldn’t figure out what to make chicken taste like, which is why chicken tastes like everything.”
Apoc: “It’s because you never tried the Fruit Flavorchicken, dude.”
Does the hot skirt and girdle come in a large?
I won’t eat any bucking dogmeat either.
“Add the set type meat”
I realize that the Chinese had the printing press before Gutenberg, I didn’t realize they used meat.
People who order the western fashion steak are more interested in the dressing than the meat.
No wonder the menu is so long: If you can teach an eel to cook roasts you’ve got almost unlimited chef help.
SET: TYPE=”meat”
If you can’t stand to code, then stay out of the kitchen.
I’m gonna chop the fish a new one!
OK, I added them all up, and what I got is one big mess of Chingrish.
Fish silk is the new fashion. Especially when combined with beef fragrance.
I’d like to have an excuse to not go to work tomorrow: I’ll take the germ mushroom with the multicolored egg.
Yeah, I feel the same way about beef river powder when I see it in a recipe.
“And you think you had a rough day.” — The Chicken
The translator must have learned English in Canada — “Chop the fish, eh.”
Try the “System Leg”.
Or the “Gold FIve Put Together”?
Or even “Type Placard Cold Place”
The system leg? I’m still on XP….So I can’t have the leg of the dog? Can I substitute the leg of the cat? No?
Well, I’m sure everything’s great. Just bring me whatever Chef Eel has on the grill.
Drink? I’m very partial to powdered river water. It definitely has miraculous pow(d)ers. Haha.
Large, please.
This is gonna rocket to the top, as chinglish, as menu. Gold stars & bars to the ‘executive chef’–probably the eel–& the translators.
If you order a gold placard, the engraving is extra!
I’m guessing “chop the fish a” is an Italian dish.
Gold Five Put Together (some assembly required).
It’s strange that the one real thing is the chicken brisket, which is eaten for Jewish holidays.
Laugh at the fish thing one more time I’ll show you my type placard cold face and give you a gold five, but they won’t be put together.
Is that hot skirt a mini?
Excuse me, the fragrant chicken leg kind of has too much fragrant
I’ll have the hot skirt. She looks good 🙂
Powdered beef!?! WTF? Give me real beef.
Ummm, shouldn’t this be on Adult Engrish?
At least the shrimp stopped violating the cabbage.
F**K the beef river powder, i’m going with the Specially made dog meat with a side order of fatty beef D fried rice
A letter to the Chef.
Dear sir or madam, Thank you for de-shelling the shrimp BEFORE making it into meatball form. The dog meat was indeed special. I am curious to learn of your pork beef fillet. Is it from a highbred super animal? Perhaps it comes from Korea, they are know for their growing of beef buckwheat. My main question Chef, is why the hard feelings to frying the fish? The Beef river powder I understand, fuck a bunch of that stuff.
Poor chicken. The sauce burns its leg, it must hurt.
I’m tired of doing everything for you around here! F@&k to frying the fish! Just eat it raw why don’t you?
Chestnut, garlic, sauce, please. Stop burning the chicken.
That aside, gimme one hot turnip D.
Oh, and D stands for Delicious, right?
i want the hot skirt and girdie vegetables, but i want it roar with a side of fragrent fish silk.
Hmmmm…….I think i’ll have the dog meat with a side of germ mushrooms…..actually i’ll have the the type of burns the chicken pot mixes the.
Genetic miracles! Just gotta have that pork beef.
Let’s begin with the small hot cucumber, then move on to either No.22 or No.30. Mmm-mmm, yeah!
Huh.That’s why there are so many Asians.They f***in everything.