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Heidelberg: the place where salad devours YOU !!
Tossing the salad takes on an even more dangerous meaning
I am Romaine! Hear me roar!
That salad has legs! Kill it with fire!!
Hmm, the lettuce that devours its prey.
Beware the loin that hides behind the lettuce leaf
Here am I worrying about E coli but all the time it’s LIONS!
A new strain of E Coli has been discovered to be the cause of mutating vegetables into man-eating salad.
I picked up my fork and the next thing I knew I was missing three fingers.
Vegans served here.
How would you like yours?
Zoo Dressing: it’s like Ranch Dressing, but with a stronger aroma.
Caution: Do not feed the vegetables.
Aarrrrrrrrrr! Brains!!!!
♫ In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lettuce sleeps tonight… ♫
Roar vegetables is definitely a health risk.
‘Mommy, my little pet bean sprout bit me!’
Beware of roar vegans!
For anyone who might wonder exactly why a sign like this has been deemed necessary in the first place: There’s a slightly deadly virus going around in Germany atm and they suspect the infections to generate from dirty raw veggies (They’ve yet to find any proof, though).
Evidently, that infection makes the salad go wild…
This salad will toss you!
The Swedish Chef learned that the hard way.
I thought that was what the sneeze guard was for.
The Little Salad that Roared
Swimming Beard knows: it’s Roar Recruit syndrome.
They must have used this (Tiger lettuce):
(safe photo of actual Tiger lettuce)
Not Engrish, it’s AchTunglish
And you though ‘Killer Tomatoes!’ was a bunch of hulaballo…
Solution: use our free Roar Converter.
Roughed up by the roughage !
This lettuce is snarling at me….
I bought this book many years ago:
With so few takers, it was easy to take the lions share of the salad buffet!
I had some raw salad geate, then I some foods gevomit. So now I a doctor see must.
Roar and fresh ( I don’t mean they are fresh, rather they can get fresh with you), so beware!
The salad’s so healthy its makes me sick!
It appears that you also get a free pair of scissors with each serving.
If the salad does no more than moan a little, you can claim it is consentual
Lettuce eat! Oh wait… AHHHHHHHHH!!!
Very nice, Tai Fu, but, as a German native speaker, how about:
“I have raw salad geeaten. Then have I terrible gevomited. So must I now to the hospital go.”
BTW: Thirty patients have died so far, so the whole thing is not very funny in the first place —
This is what you get when you compose your warning signs on an iPhone. Damn you, autocorrect!
Venus flytrap salad?
Roaring veggies, or growling stomach — Decisions, decisions!
Naw, it’s definitely a German salad.
Tastes so good, losing my arm was all worth it.
Try our cole sloar!!!!
I hate vegetables they’re so loud
Beware the lions.They bite!
How about the ones that just speak in a normal tone?
They must had written it exactly as it was pronounced to them…