Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
It Original Engrish--This site occured 1996
In aisle one, day bags. In aisle three…
posted on 14 Jun 2011 in Signs
Photo courtesy of S.N.
Found at Tokyu Hands in Shinjuku, Tokyo.
They meant “wait packs” or “fanny packs”.
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The best way to carry your dead weight around
Endorsed and designed by Japanese Mafia
Maybe, just maybe, a very small vegetarian would fit in…? Without the rice.
Someone call the cops. We got a spill on isle 3….
For that troublesome shopping trip.
Body purchased separately.
Life can never be exactly as we want it to be.
Neither body bags.
I wonder who will say “they cost an arm and a leg”?
Oh, well……
No, seriously, did you notice they’re from Tokyu Hands? 😀
The obvious truth is: no body wants them.
Airlines are really cutting back on amenities nowadays. I can remember when they provided body bags. You didn’t even have to ask for one.
All I want for this Giftfull Christmas is immunity from prosecution.
“If you’re going after Rambo, don’t forget one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“A lot of body bags. Lucky for you they’ happen to be on sale.”
-First Blood
OK, so I made the last part up, but the rest of it was from First Blood.
@Seventy2rd o clock: People are dying to get into them.
@ jjhitt: Ah, it must be the Christmas season… or, because death/dying is an Engrish state, called ‘before living’…?
Those are pretty small body bags. I think they’re geared towards victims of Jack the Ripper.
Carry your corpse in style!
Proud sponsor of the Afghani government.
I guess they have to buy them somewhere.
‘Hello, one medium-size body bag, please.’
‘Excellent! Would you like to try it first?’
Could you put those in a bag for me? Thanks.
This item has been tested and approved by the Cobra Kai.
I thought I was shopping in Macy’s.
Turned out it was Gacy’s.
The funny thing is that that’s -exactly- what the accompanying Japanese says. The other sign says “day bags.”
For the next ” Shop ’til you drop” outing with the girls.
DrLex: Actually, I think they’re for dearly departed house pets. Or, being that they’re sold in Japan, virtual pets. 🙂
Gives a new meaning to “Cleanup in aisle 3”
Are those little rectangles toe tags?
I’m shocked, SHOCKED, that Tokyu Hands made such a boo boo…especially as their stores are flooded with foreigners they could have asked…or just watch them laugh and snap photos of their signs.
Another victorious sighting for Engrish.com!
Well, I am from switzerland. And a few years ago, when this style of bag was fashionable, we actually used to call them “body bags”. Even after they pointed out to us what it actually meant.
If only you realised how amusing the term “fanny pack” is to an Australian.
The katakana on the sign also says “body bag”
Cant’ slip into water carefully? Is security measure strong watching you close ruffian? Let’s solution! ‘Body bag’ Makes law enforecment stay happy! They believe you throw the beaty thing all is well!
This is where the coroner of Munchkin Land gets his supplies.
“Wait” Bags?! Wait… Bags?
Engrish does Engrish – the Universe is about to implode!
“The Body Bag. Good for carrying dead weight around.” (Instructions: No human is allowed in bag whether or alive) Well, that’s gonna make the bag useless
Have a Giftful Christmas.
…for midgets…
We know them as bumbags in England, as fannypack has negative and hilarious connotations.
contents are not included
Thangs you for comes to fisting us, get one free corpse for infinate pleasure.
Dexter has really caught on
back to school shopping for the stylish serial killer
Small print:
silicon implant needed
Check their web site for duty free info.
Duty-Free services are available only to customers who have been admitted into Japan as tourist for stay of no more than 6 moths.
No BS. right from the site!
Thank God I’ m only staying for 5 moths!