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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Chicken soup
I think the napkin just stole my wallet…
Photo courtesy of Rasmus Mortensen.
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Good for the soul; bad for the hands.
So the chicken soup is obviously alive and dangerous
Oh my God I just spilled it on my lap!!!
Sniffer dogs are out of fashion. Chicken soup is the new tool for detecting hidden narcotics.
‘Breaking news: another ‘soup spill’ was detected in Third aisle at Tokyo Hands earlier today. A chicken soup of unknown origin spilled directly into a body bag and confiscated a hand, then disappeared without a trace. A very dangerous Bacterium Chicken Soup from China might be responsible for this unspeakable crime. And now the weather…’
Son: Mom. I find a finger in my chicken soup.
Mom: Just eat it. That’s authentic chicken soup from China.
…and it puts it in the Tokyu Hands body bag….. :D:D
In Soviet Russia YOU are good for Chicken Soup.
New inspirational book: Chicken Soup for the Palm.
The Chicken Soup used Google…!
You know we don’t allow those things in here.
Now, let me see your other arm…
You may think the noodle rather feudal,
but it’s the broth that chops it off.
Light fingers special.
It’s when the chicken soup comes in handy…
It’s a joke if compared to the spraying of water chicken food that confiscates a whole arm or even to the foam sword bean coarse cereals that wraps up your flesh!
Chicken soup : “Can you give me a hand?”
Customer: “Sure.”
Chicken soup: “I have been searching for a long time, I am keeping it.”
Caution: Do not expose to confiscation.
A hand for a thigh is their policy.
I’ll have the spaghetti o’s instead, now can please have have my hand back?
The chicken soup confiscates the hand because it caught the hand choking the chicken!
Chicken Soup for the Engrish Porice Officer’s Soul
Gives a whole new meaning to “Choke the chicken”…
I don’t want the chicken soup to confiscate my hands. D8
Revenge for those who choke chickens
definitely not grandma’s chicken soup–she was a FOOT fetishist
…and the napkin just stole my wallet
What really happened to Revolver Ocelot..
The hand explodes the chicken soup
The search came up empty handed….
Must have learned from Curly’s clam chowder…
@garudamon11 The hand explodes the chicken soup all over
The chicken soup is still searching, yet the swimming beard KNOWS.
Be careful what you eat…you shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds you!
This sounds like the start of a Poltergeist movie.
“So let me get this straight,” the shrink asked, “your chicken soup grabbed your steak and ran away with the fruit salad?”
No soup thanks — just another martini.
And then it takes your money and runs away, eating the hand and laughing evilly.
Hands are not allowed in this patriotic Chinese restaurant. Hands promote religion (“the hands and feet of Jesus”) and working independently, thus destroying patriotic communist ideals. The chicken soup will search those suspected of possessing hands and confiscate any hands that are found.