Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Bring Love Engrish
Herbert Q Beelzebub, Governor
posted on 25 May 2011 in Chinglish
Old politicians never die, they just go into recess…
Photo courtesy of Marshall Kinkead.
Sign found in Zhanjiang, China.
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This is what happens when someone forgets to turn of the fun after living.
“Our top story tonight: Reports indicate Donald Trump recently acquired controlling shares of the Pearly Gates in a hostile takeover. Saint Peter has released a statement indicating that he has been fired.
You can’t even escape through death.
Heavenly Choir: on | OFF
Hellish Smoke and Flame: on | OFF
Valhalla Beer Bust: ON | ON
Must be a new insurance company own by Warren Buffett
You will be fine. After life.
Not Before
Zombie attack?
Before: out of control
After: life
The ultimate Life Recycling Machine.
But what of the suburban after life?
Best of both worlds…?
Once you sign our work contract , you won’t be able to work for the opposition, even in hell.
Wow, I know China wants to control its currency but that’s a little extreme even for them.
And you thought control of the internet was a daunting task.
Various out of control also offered for.
Beijing cemeteries are getting creative.
Perhaps, an admonition to the Chinese citizenry to invest in gold, rather than T-bills?
Nobody expects a zombie acquisition!
Whose grave is that? Deng Xiaoping’s?
Sounds like the Ventruclan are losing their grip over the masquerade. Or are expanding volently.
all your base are belong to us..