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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
It Original Engrish--This site occured 1996
No Electrical Healthy of Flashlight
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Wow! I’m speechless.
I can use this to tan my skin with the benefits of improving my health.
I would use that if Shu Jin has an IQ of 190.
Endorsed by Ann Coulter.
Anything that makes the hand work brain spirit HAS to be good.
“Destroy the opponent metacarpal bone, and the rest will follow.” -Sun Tzu
Pinch the darkness, rhythmically, until it bleeds light.
Um… does it say anything about making light?
Just pinch it. already!
p.s. Don’t forget to pinch.
It will help cerebrum memory effect … if I could just remember where I put the damn thing.
She auspiciously sells see shells by the aspect pattern.
auspiciously heathy product
To think I’ve wasted my life with study and exercise when all I really needed was a $2 dynamo lamp!
But who’s Bady and why is this healthy for him?
Pinch here for auto-eject action!
My buddy got pinched for stealing a case of these from the loading dock at Wal-Mart.
Did we mention that you need to pinch it?
Also endorsed by the 4H Crub:
Healthy of Bady
Healthy of Brain Spirit
Healthy of Hand Pinchs
Healthy of Shu Jin’s Invigorate
You know what they always say…
Early to Bed
Early to Rise
Makes the Hand Work Brain Spirit and Harmoniously Promotes Cerebrum Memory
It’s easier to curse the darkness than understand the instructions.
Wow, this is a little too complicated. I think I will go back to batteries and 24-hour fitness.
After reading this my cerebrum nees a spa vacation.
*Uses hand slightly in rythm*
‘Aaaaaah yeah… I feel the “illumination” coming…”
it puts the light on or else…
Man I tried everything and nothing worked! Now thanks to the No Electrical Healthy of Flashlight: my skin glows, people think i’m a brighter person and I can see in the dark. My health and vitality are at their highest ever!
I use it, like, frequently.
Ow! It just pinched my imagination!
@dangevin. Get to know your opponent Metacarpal bone first. Find out its weaknesses, Then to defeat it without a battle, is a greater victory. Tsun Tzu.
How does this rate on the FENG SHUI meter?
I didn’t know GE made torches!
Not any power supply, nothing pollution on the environment.
No electrical healthy of flashlight.
It’s complicated.
But we know it’s because of that non-hole of water thing.
After a few days of studying quantum physics, philosophy, Chaos theory and The Meaning of Life, one can figure out the ‘use method’ is really simple:
1. Pull out to pinch the hand lock handle.
2. Pinch the hand pinching.
3. Put the hand pinching with the finger.
4. And voila: the hand is pinch in the use!
Now let’s Heathy for Bady!
Now, please take what it says with a pinch of salt !
But what about the hand-pinching?! Can no one explain this to me?!!
When it comes to pinching I DO IT FOR MYSELF!
Makes the hand work brain spirit…? A torch or fleshlight?
Whoa… I’m, like, totally seeing sea shells…
You’re trying selling me a flashlight that attracts to all baddy? Inspiration in the Batman baddy detector! Awesome! 😀
I’m Bady and I approve this flashlight.
I not not understand this…
Yeah, it was my one choice to have ‘Heathy’ Ledger as the bady in The Dark Knight!
New Science: Developing new technologies of pinching the hand only heathy.
PS: This is really… I mean REALLY… one of the best Engrishes of me!
I dyed laughing.
IF you want my bady, AND you think I’m heathy, C’mon baby let me know.
-with apologies to Rod Stewart.
Pinching the several times: an islent illumination approaching.
Invigorating the circulation of blood.
But still no electrical healthy of flashlight.
Wow…. i almost peed my pants.. I’m amazed, they didnt get a single sentence right :O
‘Need not not any power supply’
Is that a triple negative?
So you don’t need it or ….!!??