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Either Gollum wrote this menu or someone has been fishing and eating too many chickens from the lead river.
I wonder if the adopted mother returned to break the tile.
The milk soup is muttony, well thank goodness. I was worried it might be fishy.
Waiter. Does the restaurant carry surrogate mother to a pot of goldfishes?
The duck drinks the beer while the chicken works hard for the money.
Lead river? Must be China.
It’s hard to be an eagle, when the chickenses keep pecking on your toeses.
Are the vegetables web ready?
The rich and honored chickenses are specially reserved for MYLORD.
The adopted mother explodes the duck beer
The adopted mother returns to a pot of fish…. or else it gets the hose again !!
Where are the veggies? The only veggie mentioned is a fruit!
That’s so bad it’s poetic! Read it aloud, trippingly, with feeling. It makes as much sense as a lot of modern poetry, and sounds better.
I’ll have some broken tile fish and a side of grout, please.
We hates the nasty chickenses!
Unfortunately for the chickenses, the honours came posthumously.
I’ll have my tomato fillet medium rare, please.
Broken tile fish… shard shad?
So if the river water cooks the river water fish already, what is it your chef does then to make the plate $50.00?
“The adopted mother returns to pot of fish” XD
Adopted Mother puts the fish in the bucket. Then it rubs with the Lube Sheep.
Tricksy little chickenses. They stoles them from us! They stoles our grapses!
We’ll have the whole chickenses…AND THE PRECIOUS!
I wonder if the chicken-fish-rabbit is the Chinese version of the U.S. Jack-a-lope? Either way I’m sure it is just as tasty! Especially if it is smothered in Ginkgo and beer!
Just imagine the old spice guy saying this…. and SWAN DIVE!
Free range cooks free range chicken.
The Lead River is a branch of the Cow River which in turn is a branch of Cry Me a River.
Special features vegetables : for main menu, turn over Rich and honored whole chickenses : guaranteed to have been given their night as king th previous night Beer duck : good…hic…stuff Chicken fish rabbit : our improvement on the turducken Broken tile fish : catch us on a better day and we can get you whole tile fish The adopted mother returns to a pot of fish : The Little Mermaid gone wrong Tomato fillet : caught fresh River water cooks river water fish : honestly, it does Ming Jiang river’s fish : He’ll want it back after lunch Lead… Read more »
I’m also wondering how you fillet a tomato
I’m completely muttony having read this menu.
No wonder we can’t read it. It’s in Chickenese!
This are very hot River water what cook river water fish.
There comes a time when all adopted mothers must eventually return to the pot of fish from whence they came..
…horrible. Simply horrible.
Mom is an extreme omnivore, returning to the pot of broken tile fish like that…
The Chinese. the Great society of honor based food. i wish my step mom would do things to my food to make it better, but river water in China sucks so never mind.
Preciousssss chickenses!!!
you see gaiz? taking that korean english learning course instead of worrying about the NEAT does in fact, land you a job!
The milk soup is muttony
The adopted mother is fishy
The rich and honoured chicken is cocky
Yessss…those all lookses like vegetableses disssheses.
(Except the Tomato fillet-eses.)
Q: Whaddaya want for breakfast, dear?
A: Mutton, honey!
Dr. Lecter: And what did you see, Clarice? What did you see?
Clarice: Tomatoes. And they were screaming.
Dr. Lecter: They were filleting the spring tomatoes…
A bounty of the muttony !
Now I can finally have my tomatoes without those pesky bones. Thank you, honored China.
I have a feeling that whoever made this menu just want to be in Engrish.com. Well, you made it, congratulations!!!
I think I’d like to try the broken tile fish, but how many dollars is 30/SQRT(T)?
The Chinese obviously just want to trick everyone else into losing their vegan powers by advertising meat as vegetables. Then they will have WORL DORMINASHION!
Can I get the “noodles with neglected and half beefness” please?