Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
I’m a roaded weapon
posted on 11 Feb 2011 in Clothing
Full cotton jacket…
Photo courtesy of Kaleigh Hinkle.
Found at Japanese clothing store called ‘Closet Child’.
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Just the thing to wear to a shooting
So close & yet so far
Those crazy bullets…
Plotection? No grove, no rove.
The Algonquin tribe is famous for a number of things. This dress is not one of them.
Yeah baby, load your big black revorver with my crazy bullets, pull your trigger and kill me with some mad love!
Just the thing to wear at your local Paintball Society cocktail party…
If you are called for jury duty, wearing this dress can keep you from being serected.
Avaiable in Kevlar and Kapok.
Much mopre stylish than a Kevlar Second Chance.
I’m sure Revolver Ocelot would make his girl wear this, what with his whole “I love to reload during a battle! There’s nothing like the feeling of slamming a long silver bullet into a well greased chamber…” quote… the perv.
To be worn with NRA flip flops.
Worn at an NRA Final Four game
I’m out of burrets! Reroad! Reroad!
Grock tried to market a 9.5mm revorver in the Japanese market, but they could never keep quality control over that crazy ammo.
Just WTF is a Brack Levolvel.. or a Clazy Burret for that matter?
Even with this clever marketing, the sequel to Volver still sucks.
If I could find that dress in my size, I would wear it. Could get away with it here in Tokyo, but the USA.
Can’t anybody lallate properly any more? It’s Brack levorvel need youl clazy burret. No wonder the Japanese garment industry is going into the dumpster.
The Clothing Line from that Witty Gang at the Algonquin Round Table
The Algonquin Black Revorver’s attempt at a personal add fell flat when it was discovered that the Iroquoin Crazy Bullet had sworn vengeance on her Algonquin neighbors and would not be counting coup.
Is that a black revorver in your pocket or are you just crazy ?
We rive through the day, not knowing what burret has our name on it. Thug rife ain’t easy
This is revorting.
I am an Algonquin and I approve this message.
Solly, revorver … I’m mallied.
I wirr kirr her!! With a clazy burret!
I actually saw this print on a girl’s shirt in koreatown LA. I started smiling, she must have thought I was insane or a pervert.