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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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I dreamt of tasting Kim Possible once while I was busy with the in palm pleasure of my beef meatball. It made me explode my fries all over the cook.
Looks well bought up!
Gosh a fish with fingernails and cartoon charactor. What more could you ask for.
Meet the Fishenmeat’s: an all-colour, omnivorous, possibly Kim-tasting exploding big and hot (especially Kim) happy family.
Psst… hey buddy… wanna buy some pictures of stir fry?
Rule 34.1 : If it exists, it’s on a menu somewhere.
Clearly not McDonalds then.
Eight Fingernail Fish might be octopus.
Doesn’t clarify anything, but at least it doesn’t need an exploding manicurist.
Is eight fingernail fish kosher?
I bet the chicken wing is the hottest stuff in the family photo.
Hello, my name is Kim Possible and I’m very tasty.
Please keep your “in palm treasure” off the table.
waiter: “Would you like that stir fried, or blown to kingdom come?”
It has come to my attention that the Kim family next door to the restaurant has disappeared after this menu was posted.
I always wondered what happened to Kim Possible after Disney took her off the air…
Keeping it down ? Kimpossible !
Disturbingly reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Specialty of the House”
So cartoon girls taste like crayfish, fingernail fish, chicken wings, and beef meatballs. Never would have guessed.
So Kim could possibly explode in your mouth? This doesn’t sound legal in several States.
What, no exploding duck.
Hrm, I wonder if they have a side-dish that tastes like Ron Stoppable…
Is it just me or does the name: Hot Family Photo sound:
a) very wrong
b) very illegal
c) all of the above
Oh waitress, could I get the Thumbnails in my Stuff, also?
e) inedible
f) immoral
g) contributing to the delinquency of invertebrates.
Taste: Kim Possible
Smell: Brock Samson
Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me.
Captain Kim Possible! Reporting for duty sir! And this is my arch-nemesis, Captain Kim Impossible!
Honey, I cooked the kids.
hmm, from a quick search on youtube revealed that Kim Possible’s chinese name is indeed 麻辣[女孩]. However the mdbg.com dictionary defines 麻辣, not as “Kim Possible” but “hot and numbing…” which I don’t think I’d like the taste of either…. and 女孩 means girl
Can I have the hot daughter’s photo instead please?
Man, these fries are dynamite!
Set phasers for “hot and numbing”!
@samuel That’s the Chinese name of the show, not the character. According to the Chinese Wikipedia Kim herself is called 金姆 in Taiwan and 金碧嘉 elsewhere.
The reason the family photo is so hot is that the menu just caught on fire.
Next time don’t hold it so close to the candlelight.
…Or maybe it’s hot because the kitchen caught on fire after the cook exploded. 🙂
Kim? Possibly this family is Korean.
What does Kim Possible taste like?
So the drama. So what’s the sitch?
And for those confused among you:
I like Kim Possible food.
I always regretted not tasting Kim in University.
I once had a pet Eight-Fingernail-Fish named Kim Jong Il. Tastes nothing like the real thing, though.
I like how “ma la” translates to “Kim Possible”. Maybe it’s because she’s a redhead…
Me fail Engrish? That’s Kim Possible.
You got anything that tastes more like Jessica Rabbit?
whats the sitch??
It’s always the same problem with Disney brand foodstuffs.
What the family looked like after they tried the exploding fries =-&
Mission: Kim possible
I didn’t know Hannibal Lecter became f family photographer!