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Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
Cry me a stir-fry cattle river…
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If you on diet, highly recommend the Stir-fry cattle river with. It results no!
Of course there’s a result; you’re hungry again an hour later.
void stirFryCattle(River*);
There is no result because there is not enough cowbell in that cattle river.
I tried to the fry the cattle and stir the river, but with no result. All I got in the end was these beef dried balls, but they snuck away in a rage when I poured the soy sauce.
Because the river is too big, and the water keeps putting the fire out.
Better result with goose river (paté), anyway.
For just 5 yuan more, results may vary.
For best results: consume with large quantities of alcohol.
Nobody wants to order Kow Pee stir-fry! Take if off the menu!
next time try the cow river exlax
What? Vomiting and diarrhoea don’t count as a ‘result’?
You can lead your stir-fry to cattle, but you can’t make them drink….
if there’s no result, should stir-fry it harder next time.
It’s the Blue Screen of Stir Fry.
Umm….yeah….river and noodles…just what I always wanted, honey.
(Crying a liver just thinking about having to eat that…)
If you stir fry cattle river with no result, you’re obviously doing something wrong.
You must cross the river to continue. The river is currently 16 feet wide and 10 feet deep.
1. Attempt to ford the river.
2. Caulk the wagon and float it.
3. Stir-fry cattle.
You have no cattle so you substitute your 6 oxen. You have stir-fried 12000 pounds of meat. However, you were only able to eat 1 pound. You had no result from the meat.
Bob has dysentery!
You still are on the wrong side of the river.
Must be vegetarian
I know where it comes from:
(a automated translation website)
River With No Result not good river, but it sure beats River of No Return.
I’m in love with you, Snufkin!
I like trying failed dishes sometimes.
Oregon Trail: Restaurant edition!
This is just the raw cattle from the river 🙂
So thats what happend to all the people that died from malaria in Oregon Trail
Love is a traveler on the river of no result.
Aoh Well… that’s no good then. Fanks…. but no fanks
ZEN MASTER: Stir Fry not The Rivers to bring No Results, leave to peace instead.