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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Who are you calling “satiety face?”
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You will help me too much? Dear, how can I ever thank you too little…
Is there nothing sea moneys cannot do.
“Seven Color Crystall Boll” – what, a new video game movie by Uwe Boll ???
Just walk it off, it’s just an arm. You have one left. Jesus! You’re four hours old, grow up already.
It is a well known fact, that Gypsies have crystal balls.
The word ‘information’ is being used in rather a liberal sense here.
I’m not missing the point here am I? This is code for hard drugs, isn’t it?
…totally lost me after “add water”.
Okay, you’re helping too much! Try explaining it simply!
At least the admit that they are pushy “I will help you too much”
New ad by Hair Club for Men
Is it designed by North Korea or South Korea?
When the flower needs nutrition, it will let you know by threatening a nuclear launch
How mysterious. This is the first time I’ve heard of a Chinese manufacturer needing the collective help of the entire Korean peninsula to dream up some cheapo knock-off product!
I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a Toys R Us Boll…
Designed with the permission of our great dictator Kim Jin Ill
Dear China,
Outlook not so good. Please stop “helping” us.
P.S. Ask again later.
Korean product with a Chinese touch.
Uwe Boll was designed by the entire people of North and South Korea joined together and he still isn’t able to make a decent film? I guess they didn’t add the correct amount of water.
all i can say is that North Korea has a lot of bolls!
It’s really not unusual for one to show one’s satiety face in that moment of growing up.
Darn it. I’ve had these same things sitting around for months and I kept forgetting to upload the photos to the site. Oh well. They are (hilariously-packaged) plant-food balls. Put them in the soil to prolong the plant’s life.
follow the bouncing boll….
I don’t know if anybody has mentioned this yet, but have we even established what a “boll” is?
These are jelly balls, also called crystal soil. They’re used for growing plants in indoors without use of soil. They also can be mixed in with potting soil to help retain moisture. I use them as they are indoors, and mix them in potted plants outdoors. I live in Texas, and plants can dry out really fast. The roots of plants will grow into the balls and draw moisture from them when needed. They are made from the same type of material that is used in diapers and feminine hygiene pads. It was originally developed for astronauts for short-term trips… Read more »
So “Anna Rexia,” speaking as an expert, would you condone the usage of the Seven Color Crystal Boll designed by Korea, hmmm??
Used by boll weevil fortune tellers.
at least you aren’t helping me not enough
Add water, and in about four hours it will grow up? Wish that worked on kids.
Gasp… I just saw the thing today in my neighborhood pet shop! And I live damm far from China and Korea! I must admit, though, that some packages are signed ‘ball’ instead of ‘boll’.
‘ When the flower want to oxygen and nutrition, I will help you too much.’
…Damn, there goes my garden.