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Do you kiss your arse goodbye as well.
Ok! Number one or number two?? I mean the number of the door to evacuate…
I don’t think this is such a good strategy. Methane is quite flammable.
Maybe this explains the Use Stairs instructions in the restroom.
Please read BEFORE ordering the enchiladas .
… bend over and line up, make sure there is no room in between.
… and click your heels together and repeat: “There’s no place like home.”
In case of not so dense smoke, use wet towel to cover your rear and thrust to ejaculate.
use purse below sign to break glass in case of emergency
“Fire alarm call point” – Chinese translation for “E.T phone home.”
In the event all means of escaping from fire ineffective, just cry ” Down with the Communist Party!” and state police will appear out of nowhere throwing you in safe jail.
Don’t point that thing at me
“First you say it, then you do it….”
If the flames don’t kill you, the gas will….
And here I always heard the safety rule was “don’t bend over for the soap”
and we have a video camera so we KNOW who did it…
Oh, isn’t it possible to skip the formal bowing in an emergency?!
What to do when you feel constipated
What if the dense smoke is coming from me? I did have a burrito for lunch.
is that hand poking at some spot when you bend over?
S’ok. Go ahead…in the dense smoke nobody will see or smell it anyway.
But just be careful where you decide to drop ‘n’ roll, K?
Waterboard at BBQ?
Warning! Dense smoke may be caused by evacuration!
I think this sign’s trying to tell us that if there’s a fire, we’re screwed.
Alarms sounding, people panicking, hysteria and mayhem squared, and you want me to stop and take a poop?
Mostly accurate translation on this sign though. should be “bend down” instead of “bend over”