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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Did we mention this is a mat-toilet?
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Keep Your Hands Chean At All Times While Removing The Dirty After Wet.
Is this some kind of Möbius mat-toilet?
After a long, hot, dusty day, I always chean my dirty with a brush and chean water. But only after wet of course.
YIYING = the DIY instruction set for cheaning in Clina……
As distinct from Mat Damon, who is completely entangled Luciana
My name is Matt and I endorse this message.
Hang on, so you put the toilet out in the sun after washing.
The western story of Chean Brush, Dirty Harry and Mat Toilet, a.k.a. the Chinese toiletry version of the good, the bad and the ugly!
* Better yet: Dirty Hairy! 😀
Completely entangled .. ’nuff said.
Chint Eastwood rides into the sunset after eliminating the dirty Mat-Toilet
Ever wondered how all the crap is harvested before it is fried, steamed, boiled etc? I give you the Mat Toilet.
I need to Chean the Dirty…
“Put The Mat-Toilet Under The Mat-Toilet…”.
“Remove The Mat-Toilet From The Mat-Toilet…”.
Welcome to the Zen of Mat-Toilet.
I see a real opportunity for a book deal here…
“Zen and the Art of Mat-Toilet Cleaning”
Dear mister Yiying, I ghave completely entangled the toilet seat with the mat toilet. However I had some difficulty with the process. I got my right arm and left leg jammed through the hole in the toilet seat, my right leg was jammed in the cistern and my left arm was entwined in the mat toilet, and tied to the seat. My head was stuck in the toilet bowl. At this point I may have panicked, for I flushed the toilet. As a result, I damn near drowned. Please kind Sirs, look favourably upon my request for a refund of… Read more »
For mat-toilets anywhere, this YIYING must be the yin and yang all-in-one. Like the Dirty and the Chean.
If I remove the mat-toilet from the mat-toilet, what am I putting the detergent on, exactly?
These are commonly used in physics labs.
SUCCESS! I have put the mat-toilet under, over and through the mat-toilet and made a knot in the toilet seat!
Now, how do I sh*t????
You wong !! Is math toilet !!
You put de mat in de toilet an’ drink ’em bot’ up.
It’s both a mat and a toilet. Of course, if you sit on a mat and use it as a toilet, then obviously you’re gonna chean the “dirty” afterwards.
This product is different from the other mat-toilets since you don’t have to clean it; you just have to CHEAN it.
I’m not yiying
im confused ill just hold it
What is the sound of one mat toilet slapping?
Yo dawg, I heard you like Mat-Toilets, so I put a Mat-Toilet under the Mat-Toilet so you can pull the Mat-Toilet while you entangle the Mat-Toilet.
Is this a mat-toilet? please specify clearly
In case of dirty put onto the sink.
Mat-toilet sold seperately
in stitches i am
Dude, I can’t get it off, it’s completely entangled in the toilet seat.
It puts the mat-toilet on the mat-toilet or else it gets the hose again!
Put the Spam under the Toilet then pull the Spam up until the Spam completely entangled the Toilet Spam Spam Spam Spam Toilet Spam Spam Toilet & Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam …
Shortly, this is Spam.
Did the band Yes write the instructions?
u all wong…is toilet mat! know us you lead reft to light
As far as I know, these instructions require tearing the mat-toilet apart more than two times. (mat-toilet from mat-toilet, etc.)
How do you remove it from itself?
Sup dawg! We heard you like Mat-Toilets so we put a Mat-Toilet in your Mat-Toilet so you can put it under it while you put it over it.
I liked the part where it said “mat-toilet”.
Introducing the mat-toilet! To purchase a mat-toilet, go to the mat-toilet webpage and click the mat-toilet purchase button to get your mat-toilet via the mat-toilet courier for mat-toilets. Then unpack your mat-toilet. Take your mat-toilet out of the mat-toilet toilet bag, lift your mat-toilet with your mat-toilet toilet mat-toilet arms and place the mat mat-toilet toilet on the desired mat-tolet spot mat toilet. Toilet mat-toilet mat-toilet mat-toilet. Mat toilet. Toilet mat-toilet. Mat-toilet.