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Yle spirit for enthusias M
If he was living.
Wordwrap in
spected by nu
mber 7.
Wordwrap became “wordwarp.”
Number 6: Where am I?
Number 2: Inthevillage.
They advertising like this since 1907 ????????
Hello Bicycle.
Please say “Love” to me.
“Dear Diary, for what it’s worth, he was… [fill in the blank]”
My backpack contains a kind of spirit, too. It’s called bourbon.
Whatever kind of spirit was involved in that phrase, make mine a double.
No spelchek ine
“Contains a kind of spirit” = “I drank a whole bottle of vodka and then wrote this tag”.
And yet the writer used the proper version of “it’s/its” for the context. So this is basically the sixth sign of the Apocalypse, because hardly any native English speakers can get THAT correct, any more. 😉
“And he was love me in the grass.
And he could hear the lifest yle breathing.
And he could see a nearby bicycle.
He emphasized his enthusias
Is it just me or does that bike look rather uncomfortable for men?
Love you, he was. Now, ano ther he loves,
And they’re doing in st yle.
With enthusias.
Love you he was, until to the Dark Side he turned.
Spread I was a kind of cloths under yo
ur feet: But I, poor be, have only my drea
Yamamoto Yeats
Yup. Certainly is fulofi t
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
He was, until the terrible hyphen massacre of 1907.
Sorry, xila 31. I actually liked your caption but misfired with the mouse. Perhaps I’d a bit full of a kind of spirit today.
Lifest yle full of enthusi asm he was. Front whe el catch in sewer grate he did.
If he is still full of enthusias
m since 1907 for what it’
s worth I’d like to ha
ve some of that kind of spirit.
Confused since 1907
It funny how the last sentance sounds like Yoda after a few liters of Vodka… “Love you he was” “Your children he wants to have”
Wouldn’t be easier if the patch just said: “Weed inside”?
We havent hadt hat spirit heres ince 1907…
Welcome to the Hotel Enthousias
Asian fail courtesy of someone called “Rice”. Irony much?
Yes, it is Master Yoda I am.
Sitting on THAT bike for 103 years? Wonder what THAT would do to your package.
* i want to ride my bicycle” i dont think queen knew what that song would lead to
Contains a kind of spirit and emphasizes the lifestyle that full of enthusiasm. For what it’s worth I love you he was.
Emphasize lifestyle full of enthusiasm and includes the type of spirit. It is worthwhile, please do me like your boyfriend.
use the enthusias
m you must
Jutsificltion wiht
out hyphenation
is tylanny.
man on bicyc