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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish - never against.
Blonde model apropos?
Four Big Merits (as written in lower right):
Artistic Reliable Is Practical
The All Steelfoot Rest Spurts Models
Four Altitude Mixture Controls
Entire Cotton and Kapow (?) Cotton Print
Photo courtesy of Mirian Lima.
Ironing board found in Kazakhstan; made in China.
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Just the thing for those tropical days in Kazakstan, burning clothes with extra kapow cotton by the beach.
Even though this is a seriously confused advertisement, at least the product title is honest…
“Wan” woman, four merits: Happiness guaranteed!
5th big merit: An extra-long extension cord suitable for ironing at the beach in ankle-deep tropical waters is included free of charge! (swimsuit not included)
Blondes with hazardous behavior….
Fire extinguisher not included.
In Kazakhstran an ironing board is considered furniture (see small print top/bottom)… in this case beach furniture.
If you stare long enough, you might see some palm trees in the background.
(oldie, but goldie……)
I see Two Big Merits? Are they natura?
@jjhitt: we must think alike…..
Not too big though.
How about the other two on the other side?
Aahhh, those carefree chores by the Caspian are the next hot thing!
@jjhitt: Not sure they are natura. But sure they are happiness.
Point 1: She casts no shadow.
Point 2: Who cares?
So I guess the swimming suit is fireproof then…..
But natura doesn’t need ironing–not at her age, anyway.
Yup, nothing more relaxing than blowing off steam at the beach…..
♫ Here comes old Steelfoot, he comes spurting up slowly.
He got four big merits, He got water up to his knees.
Got to burn the clothes cause you got to be free. ♫
Q: Why are you in bikini?
A: Nothing left to wear. I’ve burnt all my clothes.
Ok honey, we’re off to Bermuda. Let’s make sure we’ve got all we need. Passports? Swimmers? Travellers cheques? Ironing board? Sun, surf and sand, here we come…with neatly pressed clothes
Captain, we must adjust the four altitude mixture controls or the ship will go kapow!
is she ironing her undergarments on a surf board?? i can hear the blonde jokes now
I thought this was just another blond joke
Perhaps it converts into a surf board. That would certainly explain a lot.
Are you sure Borat didn’t send this in?
“Cotton and kapow!” At last we’ve found a way to recycle the old
“Batman” sound effects!
Nothing out of the ordinary here, just a scantily clad blonde woman ironing her clothes on the surface of the water at the beach of a tropical island paradise.
Sturdy lightweight construction. So lightweight in fact the all steelfoot rests don’t even break the surface tension of the water.
>> She casts no shadow. <<
Forget the shadow, She has magical legs! Her feet are on opposite sides of the ironing board yet both legs are behind it. Bet she'd be interesting in bed.
Then we can look at the shadows. She has none. The top of the board is lit from nearly straight on. The legs on the right are lit from the right. The legs on the left are lit from the left, but in a very special way so that one leg creates two shadows and the other has none.
Borat endorsed!!!
To drzos: welcome fellow borat fan
Burn those clothes! Burn ’em. Burn ’em GOOD!
I spurts model too. I also like that it is “Chinese High-Quality Furniture” (as noted on the top of the package) – words I never thought I would see in the same sentence.
@Terri: Looking at the legs (all of them her’s, it’s) make brain hurt.
That’s what happens when a trophy wife tries to be useful.
Put a little extra bang in your ironing with Kapow Cotton! (Warning: fabric may explode when heated.)
I don’t need a board. I simply hang up my clothes and SCALD them with a steam iron. No risk of burning…….
Clothes burning board? Ah! That explains something.
Did you hear about the blonde who thought that “sex appeal” was a charity for disabled prostitutes?
so an ironing board is considered furniture?
Beware of electrically unsafe blondes who cast no shadow.
Good news: if it doesn’t do what it says, you aren’t losing anything!
What else can you do with an ironing board? All the ones I have seen, are far to ricketty to have sex on.
At least it didn’t say “Burns the clothes broad”.
This… is… Engrish!!!!
NonGrad Series ??
Kapow is probably Kapok. Just not as much fun.
Burn, Baby, Burn!!!
one convenience of ironing clothes at the beach is that you can take it off right there and iron it.
Ohhhh… that steelfoot rest is such a daredevil… it likes spurting in models just as I do…
I’m Borat and I approved this message.
Another case for Photoshop Disasters.
That model is Jesus!