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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Safety first. But please rush to flush…!
No diving
This sign was obviously not at a mexican resturant.
But if you want to stand on the edge of the seat to squat over the bowl, that’s cool.
Introducing the latest advance in modern warfare, the Poohzooka. Cunningly disguised as a field latrine, this weapon fires an array of projectiles varying in size, composition & potential, including the infamous ‘Brown Terror*’. Poohzooka: Victory through the back passage!
*as yet NATO unsanctioned; may contain peanuts.
Introducing the latest advance in modern warfare, the Poohzooka. Cunningly disguised as a field latrine, this weapon fires an array of projectiles varying in size, composition & potential, including the infamous ‘Brown Terror*’. Poohzooka: Stampede to victory… via the back passage.
*as yet NATO unsanctioned; may contain peanuts.
Oops! Two times for a number 2!
“A stampede is an act of mass impulse with no clear direction or purpose.” — It’s more HULLABALLO!
You accidentally put an ‘r’ in your comment
Worst John Wayne movie ever.
Holy Cow!
Testing of the Flush Twice launch vehicle continues.
Okay, so we gave you prunes and figs for breakfast, but we have plenty of holes in the floor so walk, don’t run! Okay?
Don’t stampede, the toilet seat only supports one person at a time.
Is this related to the sign outside that says “Don’t Eat the Grass?”
is this superman with diarreah????
@phoenixx: More like the Creature From The Black Lagoon.
Which sort of explains what happened to the lagoon.
Okay is he standing on the pot, or is that another stick person with their head stuck in the toilet?
I’ve heard it called the Texas two-step before, but never a stampede.
Than don’t give us food poisoning so we don’t bum rush the toilet.
Toilet surfing.
latest bathroom graphitti fad.
stampede=spray the booth
The Toilet Rodeo: please hold it for 8 seconds.
A friend was a war bride from Japan. It took a while to come to terms with Western facilities. As she confided to one of her American women-friends: “How do you stay on the toilet in high heels?” Her friend explained what the seat was for. It wasn’t until someone accidentally entered the bathroom she was using that she found out you’re supposed to face away from the tank.
It just occurred to me that I don’t know squat about Chinese toilets.
when you gotta go, you gotta go.
Don’t Stand ‘n Pee(d)?
I can stampede if I want !
Squatter’s rights !
Come to think of it, I’m sure I saw this sign on a Port-O-Potty in Calgary. The Calgary Bowl, I believe.
what this sign really says ‘you are in the swirly zone”
is it a sign for elephant toilets?
L’s on the toilet again…
I’m not captioning, because everyone else has done such an awesome job I’m practically rolling on the floor!!! What I AM doing is BEGGING, BEGGING, PLEADING with Engrish to make this one into a T-shirt!!!!!
If you agree, please vote up on this message!
Where is this that they’re having issues with people standing on toilet bowls? They needed a sign? Good indication that this activity has lead to injury. WTF are people doing in the bathroom?
And please not to sex emerging mutant poo, Mr No-legs.
Is that the way L would sit on a toilet?
Do I want to know why he is sitting with half his body in the toilet?
So that’s what you call it … when it comes all at once.
lol, they shud put this in the mcdonald’s bathrooms~. XD
How the hell would anyone NOT stampede after they see people use the toilets that way?
It looks like a rush of people jumping into the toliet
So you can’t go extreme shitting
No pearl diving!
Warning: please do not throw exclamation marks in toilet.
So….I brought this battle paint for nothing?