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Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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I’m so blessed with such a bounty of angelic goodness.
“I scream” of happiness!
So the icrecream is white and has wings then.
The taste is pure Heaven
Better than the gift I got from the Bluebird of Happiness…
“Sweet Jesus! That’s good ice cream!”
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds!
Holy Sweet!
I’m sorry, Ms. Messenger. We’ve outsourced your job to the Demon of Deep Fried Jalepenos.
I see the light! Or the lite, low carb non-dairy option.
Serving Size: 2.5 cherubs.
I scream you scream we all scream for everlasting sugary goodness
I’d rather have a visit from the Ice Cream Angel than the Weiner Fairy.
I don’t want a richer life, I want a more foppush life.
And after a restful pause on the seventh day, God thought unto himself: ‘What I really need now is an always open ice cream store selling reasonably priced dairy flavoured snacks with a kooky name and cer-azy theme character…maybe a penguin or an eskimo or something…’
“Father, forgive me, for I have sinned. I ate salad for dinner last night.”
“Satan’s spawn! Say 200 ‘Hail Chocolate Sprinkles’ and then order three super double jumbo marshmallow supremes with hot fudge.”
move over red bull this ice cream gives you wings…
Is it better than Sara Lee?
♫On the third day of Chrismas my true love gave to me,
One angel symbol,
Two cherubim,
And an ice cream in a flake cone♫
Skuld-sama finally stoops to product endorsement.
(For those of you who have seen AMG!)
Try it on angel cake!
Why couldn’t THIS be in the Eucharist?
…and an angel of The Lord did appear and said unto me: “go forth and partake of the chocolate, and of the vanilla; but toucheth not the rocky road. It’s The Lord’s favorite.”
Whoa, there! It’s just ice cream, buddy. Calm down, you arrogant prick.
Does this mean those that are lactose intolerant are Satanists?
Daddy, what makes this ice cream different from all other ice creams?
I’ve heard women describe Haagen-dazs in this manner.
They tried cartoon depictions of Bertrand Russell and Richard Dawkins, but atheism just doesn’t sell lactic deliciousness ….
You can’t just put an angel on your ice cream and think that makes it good for you. (try our new an apple a day fried chicken! It will keep the doctor away !)
Oh man I remember those! They served us these ice creams in the church last sunday.
I’ve never heard of a “holier” ice cream than this!
Icecream is for Preps!!!
Ah Ice cream, the most holy of dessert.