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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Just I want your here.
Try these silent sponges…
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… and the material girls make up quite an environment…!
The Sound of Sirence can be quite deafening.
oh yeah
The Quite Spiritual life can somehow rinse the disturbance of stomach
I wash the material life noisy, and I sing the body electric!
Damn birds
Shhh, I am washing my noisy car, can you shut your fridge up?!
Well, quite.
However, you are in a not-quite environment so we invite you to use the laundrette instead
Oh No! Someone has leaked BP’s new catch phrase! At least now they only expect to ‘usually’ getting it right
Quite, quite old chap. And try this New Century Sanitarian material.
This message brought to you by the American Institute for Noise Disease.
It washes noisy and the sign maker waxes eloquent.
Quite the Place for Using Inappropriate Capitals Everywhere Possible.
But what happens when the Quite Environment cannot wash the Material Life Noisy?
That’s what I always say.
time to wash your mouth out….
Yeah, okay. But I always knew that, so why bother making a sign about it! Sheeesh!
and that quite rife can scrub the ever riving herr out of zat evir materiar rife.
Sure, the environment can wash material life noisy, but can it get out tough, ground-in hullabaloo? Not quite.
aww man, I have a material life noisy stain on my shirt!
Because washing the material life quietly leads to a not-quite environment (usually). Gotta leave a big, noisy carbon footprint for quite environment. 🙂
Confucius say: if material life noisy, wash with quiet environment.
Environments can be so quite.
I need my noisy washed.
I’ll take a noisy material life over a quite environment anytimes.
Can you do it nosy?
Once they wash the material life, you will find that the only true life is within you.
My material life was too noisy for the quite environment to wash. I just got noise all over their silence sponges.