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Special Chinese breakfast menu
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Fill in the blanks:
1. It is fresh to squeeze the _____.
2. Hot/Freeze the _____.
3. _____ three texts cure.
Oh yes. Very much to be having severar exprode of the tastes, and of all food is that of rots of rove to be had with you mouth. Onry finest, all quarity impossible!
It never fails to crack me up the way the Mainland translates 干 as f*ck, because the simplified character is used as the cuss word. 乾 is the traditional character, and as it’s used on the menu, it should mean “dry”. Ditto for translating 粥 as “gruel” instead of the more acceptable “porridge” – gee, that’s appetizing. Not. 多士 (duo shi) is transliteration of “toast” (here in Taiwan it’s 土司 tu si). Three texts cure 三文治 is transliteration of “sandwich” (san wen zhi – in Taiwan san ming zhi). And that “freeze” should be a simple “cold”. Sheesh. Guess I… Read more »
For those who do not understand Chinese, let me explain how the weird name “many private” comes about. It actually means toast. Toast originated from the west. There is no exact name for it in the Chinese language. The Chinese call it “Tuo Sze” But when they tried to translate “Tuo Sze” into English, they translated the two words separately. “Tuo” in Chinese means many, “Sze” means private (as in private Benjamin). Hence, “toast “becomes “many private” LOL
What a hilarious eat early card! :)))
I like the one where it says “frying an egg” on the left, and then also says “frying an egg” on the right…and the chinese characters are EXACTLY the same!!!
Oh sure! Complain about what’s on the menu! You know there are children in China who would be glad to… oh, wait a minute…
@Pete: It’s because those are set meals that contain 3 items each. The last two both offer fried eggs. 🙂
Hot/freeze the duck? Couldn’t we just put him in a round room and tell him to pee in the corner
The problem is they probably asked Chinese who speaks no English to translate and they just used google translate or something. Most likely they had a waiter or an administrative staff (who speaks no English) do the translation because they can do it for free.
I so want to eat there!
Don’t hot/freeze ma grammy! That woman raised me from birth!!!!
…And I’m not in the mood for f*cking to fry those damn cows.
I’ve heard about frying by friction, but that’s just ridiculous…
Be wary, foreign travelers, of what frying an egg you choose. One leads to deliciousness, the other leads to DISASTER! (You’re fxcked to fry the cow river, in other words)
“frying an egg”
I’m sorry, I just can’t get over the lack of information on this. What next? “Bringing you a glass of water” “Ladling a bowl of soup” “folding a napkin”
Picture me “Leaving a tip”
it is fresh to squeeze the apple juice lol
Ovaltine is a drink you can get it in England, basically its a cocoa / chocolate drink that you can serve either hot or cold, perish the thought that they never served up Horlicks on that menu.
I’m not gonna eat here if I have to fry the egg and squeeze the Sydney juice myself.
Of course it’s fresh to squeeze the radish.
…. but who’s going to do it? :/
I honestly have no idea what any of these food items could be. >_<
Chef, please don’t freeze my privates,wife likes it warm.
[pick up line at this restaurant]
So, you butter many privates here often?
So good, your kids will ask “more hot/frozen Ovaltine please!!!”
Proud Australian. Word of our fresh to squeeze juice has clearly traveled far along the cow feck river of powder to the distant land of many privates! If only the juice bars of Sydney knew the secret of Sydney juice.
In seriousness I’m still unclear about “good the gram” or what’s in river powder and cow river. I’m also curious about silk frying and what a vegetarian’s supposed to have for breakfast!
It is fresh to squeeze the lemon!
I’ll have the spam spam spam spam spam gruel and spam.
Hmmm… I think I saw the name tag “Sydney” on that waitress over there. Oh, waitress! Waitress! I’d like to place on order! Yes, over here please…
I cried when I saw the ham fryings the egg
until I saw
the egg BBQs the pig
Im not quite sure if im going to order the Pig ” Miscellaneous “ Gruel .. I don’t like suprises.
What do I have to do to get a cow river fried???? Oooohhh… Never mind
many privates = toast
three texts cure = sandwich
fxxk to fry the cow river = dry stir fried rice noodles with beef
good the gram = Horlicks
juice of Sydney = snow pear juice
hope this proves informative guys
I’ll have my many privates buttered, please, with miscellaneous pig on the side.
Wow. They sure do serve a lot of… gruel here.
I would like my many privates buttered, please, with pig miscellaneouses on the side, unless the pig’s too busy fryings an egg.
Gee, I don’t know what I want to eat, it all sounds equally delicious.
I want a flied liver
Wholey clap! This must be to, uh, milk tourists, because $18 for breakfast is expensive in and of itself. I hope they don’t mean each ITEM…
As a Chinese, I can tell that it’s direct chinese translation, word for word. No wonder the sentence structure really cmi.
the fxxk to fry the cow river, is actually “fried thin noodles with beef”
Waiter, my privates are not buttered! Who do I have to f*ck to fry the damn cow river?!?!
While gruel, salty egg
It´s all been previously checked for lead
So don´t worry, you won´t end up dead
In this chinese restaurant; the ham fries the egg
Wouldn´t you like to go to Mcdonald´s instead?
I would squeeze the juice of Sidney for a coke and some bread
It´s time to pay up, you begin to feel dread
What the hell is this? Something must have been misread
Everything costs 18 dollars, no matter how much you beg.
How much extra is it to butter a general?
OK, bring me a general.
Oh, and I MUST try the powdered river. Us western barbarians have not yet learned to turn water into powder, tho we do have Tang–or is that Chinese, too?
Damn this is confusing…
I think ill just have the bread of the slice of the skinned pork slice with the rotten milk of yellow and holes with of the slice on top
Give these Americans some dishwater and tell them it’s freshly squeezed watermelon juice, or re-constituted powdered river.
Which three text were written by The Cure?
What’s the difference between “butter many privates” and “butters many private”?