Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Tight Dependence Engrish.
Special Chinese breakfast menu
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It is fresh to squeeze the many privates.
And I’d like to butter as many as I can.
Provided they’re female privates, of course.
The Good, the Gram and the Gruel.
“C’mon punk ! Make my bleakfast !”
Hey man, I’m really happy for you, I’m gonna let you finish, but F.ck To Fry The Cow River is the best gruel of all time.
My order? No, thanks. I’m just here to watch the pig cook.
Hey! The egg-frying chef has feelings, you know.
Cry me a river powder.
Is it worth waiting for
Till we live to eighty-four
Still we get the same old
And strange critters’ privates, and pigs’ miscellaneouses, and Sydney’s juice.
And I won’t even start on what we have to do the poor cow.
I’m sorry, Sydney called to say she’s not feeling so fresh today.
F*cking an entire cow river to fry it sure seems gruelling. I’d rather use napalm.
I’ll bet that is what the cow said, when its river got fried.
It slices, it dices, it can even fillet pork and beans.
But wait, that’s not all… watch what Gruel-o-Matic does to this hot frozen duck.
Beef gruel! It’s what’s for dinner.
(Congratulations to Tim Battles for the all-time Engrish Gold Medaal winner.)
I thought it would be fresh to squeeze the juice of Sydney too, but I just got a restraining order.
I guess the word of advice this week is don’t eat breakfast in a foreign country.
The best Chinese-Engrish translation I’ve ever come across.
Let me know when they serve hot/freeze the martini…
“Hey, Chef! Gallagher is here to squeeze the watermelon…!”
It is fresh to eat somewhere else.
Some pig keeps trying to cure me of my texting habit…
In the West there are many privates… in the East, not so much…
Cow rivers and squeezing the juice out of Sydney. I think I’d feel pretty ffff amished.
menus in china are so suggestive these days…
I guess the three silk fried rice noodles come directly from the Silk Road.
Big discovery in modern medicine- the private of ??? can cure everything.
More ovaltin please.
I prefer my privates not buttered, thanks.
Everytime you f*ck, a cow river is fried.
Decisions, decisions. Sometimes finding something to eat on this menu can be a grueling task.
this is why i don’t eat breakfast
I’m scared to order the ‘butter many privates’…
Three noodles for 18 dollars is 6 bucks a noodle. Or do I get more because they’re noodle noodles?
I wonder what the staff of the restaurant thinks when all the westerners who eat there start laughing their asses off when they get the menu.
After the international mega-hit “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”, Ang Lee brings us his latest masterpiece: “White Gruel, Salty Vegetables”
Those buttered items aren’t sausages….
(Shouldn’t this be under Adult Engrish?)
No, no! I said “yuck, go cry me a river!”
ok who let the hormonal teens make the menu??
Liver of pig gruel sounds so appetizing first thing in the morning!
Thank goodness it isn’t Cartman’s privates they are serving.
What a grueling way to start your day.
I love some freezed ovaltin prease.
Which came first, the burn or the egg?
Butter many privates? This sounds like a menu at the Kennedy Compound.
♫Go fry me a liver,
For I’ve fried a liver over you♫
Just a minute, Hulk Hogan will be here to sqeeze the watermlon.
I’d prefer the pig specific gruel.
I wonder what poor Tim Battles finally ordered?
White gruel. Salty eggs.
THE BEST T-shirt slogan ever.
Time, this is the most fulsome Engrish sighting ever.
I’m deeply jealous. Congrats! I would vote this a lot more than 5-stars if it was possible. Just Engrish Unending….
How much to have juicy Sydney hot/freeze the salty gruel on my buttered privates?
What the f*ck is up with “f*ck this” or “f*ck that” in Chinglish?
What the f*ck is up with “f*ck this” or “f*ck that” in Chinglish?