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If you are planning to have a Dog for Breakfast ………. it damn well will be Bleak
Looks bleak to me.
Someone took the word “hotdog” a bit too literally.
Their evening dog is was better
*way -_-
Very bleak indeed for the dog, because he isn’t a morning type of canine
Can I have a combo? Scrambled dog toast?
Word of advice: if you come in for lunch, don’t eat the Afternoon Toast… it’s been sitting there all day…
Morning Dog: A little more friendly than Morning Cat…
This menu is rather bleak.
Every dog has his day. Yours is on a biscuit.
After the morning dog for bleakfast, you can order noon cat for runch.
Morning dog, just what you need for a bleak start to your day.
Does the morning dog come sunny side up.
The future looks bleak for the dog…
Some scLambled speculative eggs and a moLning dog make foL a VEEELY bleak meal…..
The toasts and dogs are fine, it is really the depresso coffee.
If you don’t take the morning dog, he won’t be able to hold it until afternoon.
The meal that sets your outlook for the day.
No eggs, or hash browns and only weak coffee…..that Is bleak!
(Wonder what they’ll have for runch.))
Nothing like a little morning dog to cure what ails you!
who let the dogs out?
Doesn’t the morning dog come BEFORE the bleakfast?
It’s bleak, but at least it’s fast.
Morning Dog… Is that like “Hair of the Dog”?
No, you can’t order Life cereal here. Life is meaningless.
“Cry ‘Havoc’, and let slip the dogs of bleakfast.”
— Wm Shakespeal
Damn Lent.
I think it’s a little early for the morning dog, I’m still tired from last night…
Flesh Blewed Coffee?
“Bleakfast”: food so good that your diet’s future is hopeless.
Kid: “Mommy, where is Sparky?”
Mother: “Don’t worry son, once you eat your bleakfast, he will be with you the rest of your life.” “Errr..or unitl you poop.”
The best part of waking up is schnauzers in your cup.
What – no morning wood?
I don’t want the whole morning dog, just the hair of last night’s dog.
Good Molning Everybloody!
I guess we’ll ALL be mourning the dog after bleakfast.
morning dog..thought it was morning wood..my bad
They mean “mornin hot dog”… right? RIGHT?!?! :O
…because morning dog sounds so much more acceptable than
morning wood
What no “Morning Blow” ?
Bleakfast? Why does this remind me of Yom Kippur?
Nothing like a little hair of the dog that bit you for bleakfast.
I would like my morning dog served hot, please.
morning dog..lunch cat..diner roadkill
i thought only Koreans ate dog!
hirigna says:
morning menu
the scrambled egg hirigana reads something like scraple eggs
sukuranupuru eugu however i cant tell if its a circle or a double dash above the “フ” but it looks like a “プ”
Bleakfast. The first meal for the recently divorced.
Would you like some orangutan juice with that dog, sir?
It looks like a Seattle menu