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Not sure about the egg…
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William Burroughs has been reincarnated as a steamboat restaurant owner!
Beijing Chenbao Obituaries: CHEN, Peck. Philosopher, and beloved father, son, husband and companion, who choked to death on some bare string last night whilst speculating about eggs and tomatoes. May he Rest In Peace.
Peck died from eating either the tomato or egg, but we aren’t sure.
Peck dies speculation, could be 100 years old
Wondering what on earth that sign’s really trying to say just leads to more…speculation.
From the makers of the battered crap stick comes ‘assorted battered testicles’ (bottom left). What will they think of next???
At least they’re being upfront and honest about poor Peck.
Don’t call me a peck!
Am I the only one perverted enough to find “Cherry meat” funnier than mere speculation?
Served with “A Vegetable”.
Matters for speculation:
-Which came first, the tomato or the egg?
-Are vegans allowed to eat cherry meat?
-Would Peck still have died if the string hadn’t been bare?
-How can this restaurant serve such a variety of dishes using only a hot pot?
Film: When cherry meats peck.
(For adults only.)
Bare String Hot Pot … sounds like they have an interesting floor show.
To faulty wiring: You mean “May he rest in peas”
Chinese 1.0.1:
“speculation egg” = “flied egg”
Good story
Let’s see, I think ‘bare string’ means noodles, ‘speculation eggs’ means scrambled eggs, ‘peck dies’ means…. I give up!
Peck dies when he meets cherry. Confirmation of premature ejaculation.
it was the bare string that caused peck to choke on the cherry meat.
Fiyer keuy?
I can barely make out the crossed choice.
Damien Thorn killed Peck.
Hell! And I came all the way across town to get the fryor keuy!
Waiter, the food is spoiled and so is the ending of Guns of Navarone! …What?
the tomato speculated that the egg was bare with the string in the hot pot.
peck died from an allergic reaction to the cherry meat.
full story on page 2
Anagram Time!
Pecks Die
Deck Pies
Dick Seep
Dick Pees
Dicks Pee
Sick Deep
Sick Peed
Tame Cherry
Chart Emery
Heart Mercy
Teach Merry
Archery Met
Rematch Rye
Cream He Try
At Mercy Her
Ham Cry Tree
Heart Cry Me
Cam Her Tyre
I’m tired of guessing what kind of eggs and barbecue I’m ordering. I think I’ll stick with my favorite Third Like Explosion.
This is an obscure movie poster for Chinese film “Weekend at Pecks”
Assassination orders casually slipped into today’s menu… Order: Peck dies. How: Bare string (strangulation). RIP Peck, the ninjas probably got you by now.
One can only speculate.. how they got meat out of a cherry, how Peck died, and most importantly, why those poor strings are bare…
when you order cherry meat, peck dies …
Speculation and all, it still sounds delicious. I’ll have one of everything!
I speculate that Peck was killed by Siu, in the hot pot, with the bare string!