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Battery add just
This has got to be THE most confusing “breath-taking” exhausting Engrish reading ever!
I mean, come on, these guys have no comma on their keyboard? Throw in at least ONE full stop somewhere, for crying out loud!
A DEFINITELY new-edition new-appearance first-in-its-class stylish combat tool ! “Conjectures” is in inappropriate term to “throw in” there, IMHO.
Are you FULL real ?!?!
Warning: combat inside. Do not try to disassemble or combat may escape and World War III may ensue.
At last, a useful tool for your science philosophy needs!!! It allows you to throw conjectures! Cannot believe that nobody thought of it earlier…!!! I wish I had one of these during my math classes, it would seriously distract the professor…
*sigh* My package came missing the combat…
How much does it cost to insure a conjecture-throwing helicopter in Like New edition? Call 1-800-ENGRISH
Like New Editio? Remote control Jackson 5 Wannabes? And we get to throw them in combat…. COOL!!
Batteries not cluded in.
Okay, I’ll throw in a conjecture. This product will SUCK!
Phew! This is almost as confusing as “Inception”!
Does it do a full real traffic report too?
It puts the conjectures in the basket.
Throw in the conjectures for off-hand to off-hand combat!
Conjecture…clearly the Adolf Hitler model!
mortal Kombat! batteries not included nor is the recharger pack
I throw in conjectures that they rated it first among similar products themselves.
“Rated first among similar products by people who from us receive pay”
might be more honest..
I’m sure they’re nothing like the Conjectures which Combat Inside my head while trying to make any sense of this !
Nice To See That Yoda Found Work It Is.
Only for to be handled by fully trained conjecture combat g.i.”s with similar remote control.
I just want to make sure if that is Mortal Combat Inside? If not, Im not buying. Please specify which kind of Combat. Thanks.
I actually have that i bought one in the airport in beijing!!!