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It’s probably healthier to break fart than to bleak fast, but it’s up 2 you, really….
Beans and eggs mmm… washed down with a Pepsi
With a complimentary side effect of an explosive culinary outburst!
Smoking definitely not allowed during meals. ‘Cause…. BOOM!
What’s for breakfast? The answer is blowing in the wind.
No Coke! Pepsi!
Well, if it really is up 2 me, I think we should eat somewhere else.
If your farts smell of coffee, time to reduce your caffeine intake.
Em….this coffee has an unique strong taste, what is the flavour? Or, is it a special method of roasting?
The little cafe with atmosphere – of choking methane.
I guess it is all that red-curry with chillies.
I’ll have two eggs easy, toast and a can of Glade, please.
The service stinks there.
Compliments to the chef?
Break a good fart now and avoid the rush!
Found in Phuket? Yeah, that’s what I say. Phuket!
I have another one. The sign says “Up 2 You” as it’s up to you if you want to enter a place of farting.
All of a sudden Morning Dog doesn’t sound so bad.
They meant to say “UP YOUR´S” but something went wrong.
I would love breakfast, but I’ll pass on the gas.
I’ll take the seat near the open window please.
Great, you get your choice of bleakfast with morning dog, or coffee breakfart. I’ll just stay in bed till noon, thank you.
Is more refined say “windbreaker” instead breakfart no goof or you.
Don’t leave it up to me. I was never good at doing it on command….
The ironic thing is that they don’t have a smoking section
wonder if they have a drive thru?
Pass the gas…I mean gravy!
Breakfart? Phuket, I’m going elsewhere (It’s UP 2 ME, after all).
AH! Kids, rest stop! Time for my coffee break/fart.
Whatever you do, skip the coffee!…
Don’t skip it. Its the most important fart of the day!
Eat here and get gas!
Up 2 You…and out yours.
Before Left 4 Dead….
WARNING: In case of fire, break wind