Pick me! Pick me!
Photo courtesy of John Stoehr. Found in Chinatown, San Francisco.
I smell something funny in this place
The place where to go when you feel noseous.
we are here to help not to stick your nose and mind your own business
When your boogers are more big mac than sushi, head to the American Nose Doctor.
Nobody knows like the nose knows
If you go to kiss your honey, and her nose is kind of runny, don’t laugh ’cause it’s funny, ’cause it’S NOT!
“Hello, Doctor? My boss says I have a brown spot on my nose. He wants me to get it checked out…”
Nose disease: the silent killer.
Typical Americans, have to have their noses in everything!
I think that’s code for “plastic surgery.”
No, that’s the ‘Venezuelan Institute for the Betterment of Breasts and Buttocks’ in the next street along.
If anybody nose disease, it’s us Americans!
The scenter of medical research?
Snot your everyday institute
A.I.O.N.D.: Striving for a healthier America, one nostril at a time.
Then of course, the Chinese says that its a Chinese medicine clinic.
You can pick your nose, and you can pick your Doctor, but you can’t pick your Doctor’s nose!
once again the caption is funnier than the engrish.
I believe Michael Jackson must have been a patient there long ago.
What evil lurks in the hearts of men? The shadow nose!
In Chinese, it actually reads “Chinese Medicine Nose Disease Research Institute”.
Below that, the banner is for an unrelated “Ming-Ming Go Classroom”. Go being the popular Chinese game with black and white stones.
Do the eyes have it? Or the nose?
Where WE fix the nose, then YOU pay through it.
Another product of the proliferation of federal grants for things nobody needs. Yes folks, here are you tax dollars at work.
Truth, justice and the American way of noses.
Nose jobs here, head jobs next door.
Surely you can use ‘rhinology’, but ‘nose disease’ is easier to understand.
is this where the snotty doctors train?
Nose disease is nothing to sneeze at!
Nose diseae is nothing to sneeze at!
Bad spelling is not to be sneezed at either… 🙂
Bad smelling is also not to be sneezed at… 😛
Because Americans are always putting our business into other peoples noses.
And if you’re very good for the doctor, he’ll give you some nose candy.
Who nose what disease I have?
thats one nose-y place i tell ya
Nobody troubles the nose I’ve seen ….
And I’ve had this disease all my life!
Still fighting to find the cure for noses!
Up your nose wit a rubber hose!
I smell something funny in this place
The place where to go when you feel noseous.
we are here to help not to stick your nose and mind your own business
When your boogers are more big mac than sushi, head to the American Nose Doctor.
Nobody knows like the nose knows
If you go to kiss your honey,
and her nose is kind of runny,
don’t laugh ’cause it’s funny,
’cause it’S NOT!
“Hello, Doctor? My boss says I have a brown spot on my nose. He wants me to get it checked out…”
Nose disease: the silent killer.
Typical Americans, have to have their noses in everything!
I think that’s code for “plastic surgery.”
No, that’s the ‘Venezuelan Institute for the Betterment of Breasts and Buttocks’ in the next street along.
If anybody nose disease, it’s us Americans!
The scenter of medical research?
Snot your everyday institute
A.I.O.N.D.: Striving for a healthier America, one nostril at a time.
Then of course, the Chinese says that its a Chinese medicine clinic.
You can pick your nose, and you can pick your Doctor, but you can’t pick your Doctor’s nose!
once again the caption is funnier than the engrish.
I believe Michael Jackson must have been a patient there long ago.
What evil lurks in the hearts of men?
The shadow nose!
In Chinese, it actually reads “Chinese Medicine Nose Disease Research Institute”.
Below that, the banner is for an unrelated “Ming-Ming Go Classroom”. Go being the popular Chinese game with black and white stones.
Do the eyes have it? Or the nose?
Where WE fix the nose, then YOU pay through it.
Another product of the proliferation of federal grants for things nobody needs. Yes folks, here are you tax dollars at work.
Truth, justice and the American way of noses.
Nose jobs here, head jobs next door.
Surely you can use ‘rhinology’, but ‘nose disease’ is easier to understand.
is this where the snotty doctors train?
Nose disease is nothing to sneeze at!
Nose diseae is nothing to sneeze at!
Bad spelling is not to be sneezed at either… 🙂
Bad smelling is also not to be sneezed at… 😛
Because Americans are always putting our business into other peoples noses.
And if you’re very good for the doctor, he’ll give you some nose candy.
Who nose what disease I have?
thats one nose-y place i tell ya
Nobody troubles the nose I’ve seen ….
And I’ve had this disease all my life!
Still fighting to find the cure for noses!
Up your nose wit a rubber hose!