Wow, your house is a tidy circumstance!
Photo courtesy of Vittrad. Sign found in Xian, China.
I guess I just enioy untidy circumstance…
One can never have enough enioyment in a civilised and tidy circumstance
One should really enioy tidiness while one can, before someone comes and trashes the place again.
I’m a brick wall and I approved this message.
The uncivilised and untidy circumstance gets a kind of imprisonment – Behind this wall.
We’re delighted that you came, but we would enjoy it if you were less vocal about it
I enioy all circumstances.
I don’t know, I think the untidy circumstances are even more enioying.
typo – should be annoyment
Maybe for YOU, dude, but I delight in disorder. Believe me, I enioy it.
Because anything less would be uncivilized.
Good news for clean freaks!
You enjoy your tidy circumstance and I’ll enjoy mine, thank you very much.
So keep your tidy whities free of pomp and circumstance!
oh nice lady! like the tidy for your enioyment! “in best jerry lewis voice”
Chaos, is the normal state of the universe.
Feel Enioy!
Oh! They said CIRCUMSTANCE! I hought they meant CIRCUMCISION! Phew, then I agree…
What’s really scary is that this is in front of a clinic.
Makes you wonder what other kinds of enioyment are out there.
That’s iust what I was thinking.
There are many enioments.
it enioys me
Iust do it.
I guess I just enioy untidy circumstance…
One can never have enough enioyment in a civilised and tidy circumstance
One should really enioy tidiness while one can, before someone comes and trashes the place again.
I’m a brick wall and I approved this message.
The uncivilised and untidy circumstance gets a kind of imprisonment – Behind this wall.
We’re delighted that you came, but we would enjoy it if you were less vocal about it
I enioy all circumstances.
I don’t know, I think the untidy circumstances are even more enioying.
typo – should be annoyment
Maybe for YOU, dude, but I delight in disorder. Believe me, I enioy it.
Because anything less would be uncivilized.
Good news for clean freaks!
You enjoy your tidy circumstance and I’ll enjoy mine, thank you very much.
So keep your tidy whities free of pomp and circumstance!
oh nice lady! like the tidy for your enioyment! “in best jerry lewis voice”
Chaos, is the normal state of the universe.
Feel Enioy!
Oh! They said CIRCUMSTANCE! I hought they meant CIRCUMCISION! Phew, then I agree…
What’s really scary is that this is in front of a clinic.
Makes you wonder what other kinds of enioyment are out there.
That’s iust what I was thinking.
There are many enioments.
it enioys me
Iust do it.