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posted on 29 Jun 2010 in Household Items
It always takes so long to shop hereā¦
Photo courtesy of Captain Zoom.
300 yen (approx. $3) magnetic towel hook found in Japan.
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Sure, let me lift the towel and have a look. Oh, what?! Another brick wall?!
The super deluxe model (W52 x D38 x H180) not only provides snappy commentary on your life, but also introduces you to a better class of people and includes a year membership to a Swiss finishing school.
…actually, after the brief but torrid affair I’ve just had with a woman I met taking her kid to school I probably don’t want to know. What I do need to review are the results of my STD screen..can you help with that?
Oh, the questions this week…! “Are you ready for an affair? Would you like to review your life?…” WHERE IS THIS ALL LEADING???
… just as long as it has nothing to do with the website peopleofwalmart.com…
Forgive me, Hand Towel Holder, for I have sinned…
This is to serve notice that on the advice on my towel ring, I am seeking employment opportunities elsewhere.
No.. actually, I just want to dry my hands.
Just look in the mirror
The toilet paper holders are even better, they grant you three wishes.
But I don’t wanna be a hooker!
Clarence … is that you? What happened to you wings?
Do I want to review my life? Heck, I’m only taking a shower because the boss suggested I clean up a little !
The Towel Ring of Fortune.
Oh great, another psych major posing as a hand towel.
No, thanks. My shower curtain went over it with me this morning.
yeah… i’ve always wanted to be a cellist instead of an engineer…
Oh, don’t you get all existential and magnetic on me, please!!!!!!
If my life should be like the towels….I don’t want to know.
So, my mother was reincarnated as a towel hook?
Don’t tell me… the towel holder has a degree in psychology. Or it sells cars.
My like should involve dry hands.
Trust me. I’m a towel ring.
“You will be visited by three bathroom fixtures. Expect the first tomorrow at midnight.”
O’ mighty Towel Holder. What is the meaning of life?
Yes, please. I’ve been wringing my hands all day hoping you’d ask. Or at least offer me a dry towel.
Wait a minute. Does this mean I’m going to . . . . Oh,no, is that a guy with a gun over there?
capt. hook the later years, working at wal mart…shame really
Ten minutes for an affair, one minute to evaluate your life? Priorities.
Good one.
What he really means is:
Arrrrrgh! Would ya like to review yer life, matey?
Sin in haste.
Repent at leisure.
Some people like Zen decorations, others like psychanalitic design…
It would be a perfect gift for Woody Allen!
Great. Just great. My bathroom accessories just went all Tony Robbins on me. What’s next, my kitchen utensils channel St. Teresa of Avila?
@ Max: Most people today sin at leisure and repent in haste, so ten minutes for an affair and one minute to reflect, regret and reform sounds about right.
I hate to have philisophical discussions in Walmarts.
The question that came before “Does it End””
For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: “It might have been!”
when last night leaves you with questions,,towel hook has all the answers,,,
Those bathroom accessories really help you come clean…
I fell like I just spoke to my guidance counselor.
Not with that contraption, I don’t! I was actually looking for the self-destructive towel hooks, not the self-reflective ones, sorry…
Not with that contraption, I don’t! Actually, I was looking for the self-destructive towel rings, not the self-reflective ones, sorry.
The new Tony Robins bathroom line.
That’s how they hook you.
Can I will do it yesterday?
Yeah, you know, I really didn’t expect my life to be like this.
All I did was consider buying this towel hook and my life flashed before my eyes…