Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
Fresh jfkjsljklkj!
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The dish is alternately known as “button mash special”.
Get the side of flied lice along with XSTRsgsgsgsYTR-farfargnugen-saanDSRTFXDF poo-poo platter # thee with low sodium soy
I must conclur with Chuck. The reastern robster is lery devrine.
In the rowld
You don’t need vowels to name a fantastic dish, only bowels to enjoy it.
and the appetizer is suoiciled (spelled backwards)
It’s too good for words!
I type the same thing when my instant messaging pops up while I’m in the middle of a game of World of Warcraft… generally I don’t send those messages though.
the Engrish Scammer strikes again:
Yeah, boss, I know Engrish. Of course, you’ll have to pay me the going rate for translating your menu into Engrish. It’s a lot harder than it looks…
To pronounce our menu correctly, we will have to cut your tongue out.
I prefer the “azertyuiop” menu instead.
this is your menu on drugs..
SDfsfsfsja: secret ingredients you!
I’d rather have a bowl of fhqwhgads.
Was my niece playing with the keyboard again?
menus by bob and doug mckenzie
The person who wrote this menu has the gift of tongue! I mean he just experienced God! What he’s really saying is “Holy delicious food” and “I am sick of the ****ing crabs on the ****ing plane!”
A more fitting name is “The retarded keyboard”
It is only meant to be left deciphered by a spy who can’t type.
This is the sound chickens make when the temples explode them
I’ll take a bowl of that alphabet soup.
Someone was bored while writing a menu
Nicest tasting pjnnsoiauncnoeisnd ina long time!
Another clever online translation…
Boss: You sure you are a good translator?
Translator: I am the most kdskdskdskdskds translator ever! I promise!
I hear the translator is the best student on his Kindergarten. He graduate yesterday…
Well I asdf up this morning,
with a jkl;as in my head.
My dfjk done l;as me,
I l;asd as well be dead.
I got the home row bluuuuuues!
This is why you should not hire the Angry German Kid to translate your menus.
When ordering, the only thing I can do is to point to the pics, bcoz I dont know how to pronounce them …
I didn’t know Michael J Fox knew Chinese
Written by Lorem Ipsum