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I prefer a Gold Chalice thank you very much not one made of steel and possibly large amounts of lead.
Hi, there, your highness, my man!
Tip of the day: beware of water – directly for your royal stool only!
It royally uses it !
My toilet is my kingdom!
Cold tip: for drinking INDIRECTLY. Or (h)ealth….!
I should not drink directly from it? HELLO, I’M THE KING AND I MAKE THE RULES AROUND HERE!
Is it megalomania if I start seeing signs like this?
It royally uses this whenever it is told or it gets the hose again.
“Please note that health…” Health what?… WHAT?!… I DEMAND THAT YOU TELL ME!!!
For a cold tip watch were you pass water
Shouldn’t royalty receive a Hot Tip?
If your Excellency insists on drinking from the urinal, he will surely have the craps with royal sauce later.
Your excellency, wazzzzzzup???
Note that health now, would u? Drink indirectly only!!!
Quote: “Eduard: It royally uses it !”
For those of you who didn’t get it:
I’ve got a warm tip for you, right here.
ok peasant where is the fried crap in royal sauce?
That health should directly for noting.
I know what the throne is for, you bloody peasant!
They had to put this sign up when the hotel realized that “King” and “Duke” were also pet names for dogs.
His excellency is due to take his station
Beginning his new urination
He’ll make an appearance when
The clock on the wall strikes ten.
The sign just ends abruptly, as if the sign writer died before he could finish the health notice. I guess this really isn’t directly for drinking water.
Q: How do you stop the Chinese drinking?
A: Put a lock on the toilet.
@ Ralph Hamilton: Grooooaaannn….
Happiness is warm tip..
(I think this is saying don’t drink from the hot water faucet, not toilet.)
I suppose the eggplant king does need these kind of warnings after ordering the bacterium with chicken. He got so incensed last time.
Your porcelain throne is not meant for drinking.
@jhitt: or maybe “Don’t drink from the warm tip.”
Did the writer get flushed down before finishing?
Note that health, it’s the only one you got.
don’t tell me what i can’t drink directly when i’m the king of the toilet.
I had a warm tip when I was born but a few days later that mohel guy came along and, well, you know.
Maybe the sign writer actually drank from the water, and died before he could finish the last sentence.
makes you write unfinished sentences
I shall not this directly for drinking water ,
That health is noted you’re welcome.
Hi,the water is for Your Majestic royal flush only.
The toilet of Argghhh!
i accidentally the bottle xDDD
This message will self distruct five seconds in
So that’s why my dad calls it his throne…
I hate it when they don’t tell me everything.
oh yeah! note that health! note it like you mean it!
Um, I prefer “Your Majesty” or “Your Holiness” to “You Excellency.”
That should be “Your Excellency”. Cluse rou, Engrish.crom!
Duly noted, peasant.
Your throne awaits, my excellency.
It’s not quite good enough to be a hot tip, but it’s still pretty good.
Polite is good, this is overdoing it.
This must be the emperors toilet.
I don’t reckon us plain folks’ll be drinkin’ here, neither.
The toilet nearby says: “My Lord, do not use this toilet as a mouse.”