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Mr T’s latest product endorsement !
Take the paper, we pity your sorry ass!!
It really is a pity; all that waste!
Its a pity it doesn’t work
pitiful solution for derrieres that need a wipe
We’re sorry the texture is like 80-grit sandpaper… we pity the user…
were sorry its rolled paper not bathroom tissue
What Momoko said when her boyfriend took down his pants.
T-P in reverse.
Is it next to “The Fool”?
For when a sympathy card just isn’t enough…
First Wall Street, then Walmart, the ‘fat finger’ strikes again… ‘P’ instead of ‘Sh’.
We pity where that T.P.’s going.
♫ Hot Town, Summer In the City
Wiping my butt with a roll of Pity…
Bend down, it isn’t sh1tty.
Doesn’t seem to a shadow in the city…♫
I don’t need your Pity!!!
Oh wait … yes, actually I do, the old roll just ran out…
After eating craps with royal sauce, you’re going to need a few rolls of Pity.
Ror those with piles.
Wouldn’t it be a better name for facial tissues?
I see I found the Party I was looking for!
30 years ago I remember using Bulldog brand toilet paper in Singapore. It would appear that the Singaporeans are a more robust lot than the Japanese. (And, yes, it was like its name.)
May God have mercy on your ass…
New Pity! Available at your local Titty!
pity it dont come in other colors
Pity Paper for your next Pity Party!
Last night was Taco Night. I pity the next guy to use this restroom.
So… If you bring this paper to a party for a kid who’s just learned to use the potty, that would make it a Pity Potty Party! Or, if the kid also has the chicken pox, it would be a Pity Potty Spotty Party! Or, if the kid has been a little bit bad as well, then it would be a Pity Potty Spotty Naughty Party! Or if the kid has learned to use the party, has chicken pox, has been a little bad, and has a runny nose, then it would be… a Pitty Potty Spotty Naughty Snotty Party!… Read more »
Whoops, made a couple of spelling errors at that last part. Guess I got too excited. 🙂
Pity happens!
Mr. T: “I pity the ass that gets whiped by this toiletpaper!”
Pity how we toilet rolls always end up!
Toilet rolls. Hmm. Guess there isn’t enough butter in the world to make these puppies go down.
it is a pity potty
Catholic Toilet Paper
Well, it is a pity that they kill perfectly good trees just so you can wipe your ass.
Pity, for those who miss
A pity you can’t afford Quilted Northern, or are too cheap to bother, you cheap bastard. 🙂
*whispy advert voice* Pity~ The more sympathetic kind of toilet paper~
Pity-ful? sounds like the quality is that of sandpaper