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‘Hot coffee enema anyone?’ ‘Yes, but hold the cream, I’m on a diet’
Reuse instead of recycle .. that way they just go green..
That explains why Prince Howard has that funny walk.
They taste so lousy, I might as well stick them up my bum!
That’s going to make for a real funky sausage.
Makes a fine brew.
jjhitt | 3:22 am |
That explains why Prince Howard has that funny walk.
…and that funny smile…
I’d like to buy a bowel.
Okay-bend over…
Makes for some aromatic methane propellants.
What a waste of good tea bags and creamer
If you don’t actually use ’em first, then they will be a waste.
Howard Prince Hotel – proudly serving the world’s crappiest cup of coffee.
I’m afraid to ask what I should do with the stirrers and empty cups.
The question is, do the tea bags and coffee creams need to take the long or the short road?
…right next to all this other s***.
So this is where prince albert goes after he escapes from his can
Just don’t put it in MY bowel. DON’T EVEN TRY!
No, waste comes OUT of bowel, it doesn’t go in. Just how am I supposed to get my waste into someone else’s—NO, WAIT! STOP! DON’T—Oh, thanks for the video! Now I gotta go poke out my mind’s eye ….
Now I know where not to have my colonoscopy. not only was the doctor sailing up there but so were Captain Lipton and his coffee mate.
I believe he means the large intestine.
That explains all the fat people coming back from Japan.
And don’t forget to wipe
Can ice cream?