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The other program is for when it turns ugly.
It knocks. Then it does the programme. Then it becomes beautiful. It’s all coming together nicely now
The second option is the methadone programme, for those less inclined to exercise (unless you count running away from the police whilst carrying stolen electrical items)
Is it compatible with Microsoft Windows? 🙂
10 FOR n=1 TO 365
20 . GOSUB Yoga
30 . GOSUB Pilates
40 . GOSUB Ballet
50 . GOSUB Aqua
70 IF Exhaustion>0 THEN GOTO 10
80 GOSUB Drop_Dead
90 REM Why did I get caught up in all of this modern exercise rubbish?
100 END 😀
And if THAT program doesn’t work, there’s always the program…
we now resume to our originally-scheduled program…
Aqua pilates is that part of the ballet program.
So get with the program already!
And after the program you will be allowed to join the proletariat, and furthur the works of our glorius Chairman.
EDIT: glorious.
wow…its an underwater yoga pilate ballet!! does that include the a free cpr class for drowning?
There IS a program. Get with it.
The program knows where you live!
I hope today’s program includes a great deal of hullabaloo.
I don’t know which program to choose, they both seem great!
You can try those other forms of exercise if you’re a coward. Only a real woman will take the challenge of The Program.
because there is THE program and the PROGRAM!
We also have the pogrom for those not interested in either program.
Thanks you for your attention. Nicholas II, Czar of all the Russias. In addition, there are also the Russias.
Does Yori work there?
I think I’ll join the Pirates program, and then take up Barret.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.B.P.A.
Yeah its fun to stay at the Y.P.B.A-A…
Edit: Typo, sorry
It’s fun to stay at the Y.P.B.A.
Yeah its fun to stay at the Y.P.B.A-A…
If everything else fails, you can always count with the program.
Trust me, there’s *nothing* beautiful about the program if it was written in Visual Basic… 😮
So, tell me about the program.
Forget the program, please introduce me to the young lady!
I don’t care if it’s part of the program, it’s not safe to put the last hurdle right up against the wall. Somebody’s gonna get hurt ! And why is that sign only three feet off the ground? My eyes are up here.
What’s wrong with that girls’ neck anyway? Tell her to wash up, she’s got algae.
It beautifully pirates it!
Yes, but is there a program? I’m just not sure…
The program sounds interesting too, but after a long deliberation I think I’ll choose the program.
smhid…. um that prob wont catch on like lmfao but it means shaking my head in disbelief!
That’s what I like. Flexible women.
Did we mention the program?
I think it’s supposed to be “Yoga Pirates Aqua Ballet,” but this ballet is a bit hard to follow without a program–or two.
What the…Is the program on EVERY channel?
Arrghh ! It’s the Aqua Pirates !
(Life’s fantastic when you’re prastic.)
The yoga and pilates sound interesting, but do you have a program?
Yoga = !!Pilates
Yoga.Ballet = {Aqua}
So those other, non-program items – Are side-effects..?
I prefer pirate programs
Oh, we’re sorry – the program crashed. Ask about our Aqua instead.