Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Let's Speech Engrish!
After stripping, take some pics, send ’em in…
Upon cessation of circumvolution, look up circumvolution in the dictionary…
Photo courtesy of Shephanie Rayhon.
Toy from China.
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After stripping the plastic give to someone
Careful of explosion in airtight spaces.
dont light a match
Did I to mention, use under the guide of adult?
Grateful thanking for instruct. Please thank! Boy in the home he fall down die from chocking hazard five minutes already. I thanking he dead from chock but not dead from high pressure cable or electric wire. Much easier cleaning of him body! Many thank for usable instruct!
Do not use in airtight area. The circumvolution will rapidly consume all air, and you will chock.
I don’t think I want the plastic bag after someone used it after stipping?EEEWWWW!!!
Maybe it should just say, “Too dangerous for children. Adult use only.” Especially since there’s stripping and potential chocking.
Must use under the guide of adult.
Please use under the guide of adult.
And did I mention under the guide of adult?
Otherwise you might chock.
@CallieWL: Yeah, ‘Spanking Craft: the autoerotic helicopter for those aged six and above.’
Did I mention use under the guide of adult?
I find all this talk of stripping shooting and chocking somewhat disturbing at my age.
Subtitute your brush cutter blade for fragmentation hazard
Do not shoot at human body, but you can torment the hell out of your dog all you want…
Can fly higher than 50 feet. But do not let fly higher than 100 feet or may be mistaken for UFO, which may result in adult guides become frightening, chocking or stabbing themselves in human body.
♫ You say you want circumvolution, yeah, we all want to change the world..♫
Do not put in your bowel. Circumvovlution wil cause third like exploson belly.
Use Gerbil instead
Um that’s okay, I really don’t want the plastic bag after someone else used it in stripping…
It’s quite chocking that they imply toy can be turned into weapon. You don’t even need the plastic bag to chock the baby. Why no disclaimer about not for hoodlum, goniff, mental illness person, lunatic or disorderly?
Thank got they implemented safety features that don’t allow the projetile or the shooting toys to shoot at human body, change or re-quip the front point of the projectile to sharp-set, and stab in human body.
…pretty, pretty please use under the guide of an adult.
Circumvoluted? I’m not even Jewish!
So they can spell “circumvolution” right, but screwed up “choking”. Go figure.
Can we get an adult in here please?
Light a fire instantly with the sparking craft!
Of course it’s for outdoor use only- there’s no central heating so you need to make a fire!
…also open before using.
While I appreciate the fact that you’re covering your a$$ by telling me not to make this into a weapon, I get the feeling it would be more dangerous to its wielder than to any potential victim.
Wait, I CAN’T STAB???!!!!!! NOT EVEN IN THE BACK???? Awwww c’mon!!!
you can only choke the small and hazard parts when you are 6+
Change or re-equip the front to make it sharper! Now why didn’t *I* think of that!!!
Circumvolution: Noun–the act of rotating or turning around
Strip 1: Verb–1. to undress
2. to take an outer covering away
3. (informal) to take off all clothes and run around in public
Yeah put your missile on the elastic target and pull away NOW!!
but make sure you turn off the spiral shell of the battery
or you just shoot the load after all.
although the extensive instructions are funny. esp. the “MUST be used under the guide of adult. PLEASE use under the guide of adult.” not to whoever made the initial comment… circumvolution is a word…
shouldnt be stripping in front of children or babies anyway… especially if you plan to circumvolute.
Please read under guide of adult.
We ask you be generous, kind soul by give away your plastic bag to the homeless person.
Chocking a child or baby… That must be like tripping them, right?
Keep submerged in oil to prevent cataclyismic chemical reaction.
warnings, shmarnings: you’re gonna get yer ass sued every which way but loose…shwarmas of American lawyers are on their way
The faster it whirls, the faster your head twirls.
Little Jimmy was excited about his new toy. UNTIL he got killed by sparks flying from the craft