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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Kangaroo… can’t keep it down
posted on 12 Apr 2010 in Signs
Photo courtesy of Rachel Call.
Special frozen meat pet food found at pet store in Tokyo.
BARF is an unfortunate acronym for “Biologically Appropriate Raw Food”
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There’s BARF measurements too!
How much is the singing dog recipe?
“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly have another…I’m on the BARF diet. Much better than Atkins, don’t you know?”
“Waiter! I’d like to return my BARF. It’s only 11.5cm by 1cm.”
No fair! There’s no Kangaroo in the Beef-Lamb-Pork-chicken Recipe.
You can hear the dogs calling out for Billl and Ruthhh
The diet for bulimic dogs and super models…
The dogs are barfing because they can’t digest pork products!
Sir, would you care for some Barf sauce with your kang-roo meal? It comes with a complimentary “return” policy……
Barfing dogs seldom bite!
Skippy steaks. Yumm!
John Candy’s Spaceballs legacy.
Actually BARF is an English acronym that stands for Bones And Raw Food. Its a raw food diet for dogs and cats.
It’s actually called the BARF diet… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_feeding
For once they got it right.
I think my cats are on that diet.
Reality Check: BARF is an acronym for “Bones And Raw Foods” — a diet some dogs need, due to allergies aggravated by dry or canned foods.
Now back to your frivolity.
…and for dessert: Piggy doughnuts!
BARF. The food so good your dog asks for it by name.
Doesn’t your dog deserve BARF?
@Yogesh. Ah yes. But is it true, that biting dogs seldom barf.
Kangaroo: the secret ingredient behind ricochet biscuits.
I know it’s the acronym for a special dogs’ diet, but that doesn’t take away the fact that it’s a pretty badly chosen acronym. “Here boy, have some barf!â€
A little musical levity: Spoken:] There’s an old Australian stockman, lying, dying, and he gets himself up on one elbow, and he turns to his mates, who are gathered ’round him and he says: Watch me wallabys feed mate. Watch me wallabys feed. They’re a dangerous breed mate. So watch me wallabys feed. Altogether now! Tie me kangaroo down sport, tie me kangaroo down. Tie me kangaroo down sport, tie me kangaroo down. Keep me cockatoo cool, Curl, keep me cockatoo cool. Don’t go acting the fool, Curl, just keep me cockatoo cool. Altogether now! Take me koala back, Jack,… Read more »
The BARF diet: You find out what’s in the recipe and then you puke.
That is sick, just plain sick.
BARF: Tastes just as good going down as it does coming up.
@Ralph: Depends on what they bite. No dog has bitten me twice. 😀
his barf is worse than his bite
BARF Diet: We put the Roo In You.
Secret ingredient in BARF diet: dog meat
I’ve heard there’s also the BRAT diet- Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. It’s what you’re supposed to eat when you’re sick. Like if you actually saw how they make BARF food…
I’ll pass thank you
Ironically, the point of BARF is that your dog should do that less.
“Like if you actually saw how they make BARF food…”
I don’t feed my dog BARF, but frankly, seeing what’s in most commercial dog food is far more barf-inducing than what’s in those meat patties.
Everyone is doing the Hollywood style, jump on the bandwagon.
this is the aussie version of the mexican jumping bean…
Bet I’m the only one here who’s eaten kangaroo…
@Pete — Though the “Abos” verse is (it must be said) rather insensitive — still, I always thought it should have been ‘Bruce’ instead of ‘Lou’.
Rhymes better with “loose”, and would have been a monty python reference…
Finally – a product whose name is 100% accurate !
“The baked beans are off!”
“Oh. Could I have BARF instead of the baked beans, then?”
My pussy likes it too.
It’s better than hair balls.
Forget kangaroo, I’ll have the singing schnauzer patty, please!
BARF Diet: ‘Cause you can’t keep a good kangaroo down.
Oh, Those Kangaroos being fed to bulemic dogs. They always be bingin’ and purgin’.
Throw ’em kangroo steaks on de barbe!
I’ve had kangaroo steak too. Tastes like gamey veal. The Australian Aboriginies have been eating it for some 40,000 years, so can’t be too bad. It’s also common here (in Aus.) as a high-quality dog and cat food, and I’m not surprised we’d export it to Asia
I think that’s hilarious and wouldn’t it be funny if your pet ate it and barfed it up haha…..:)
my singing schnauzer prefers koala.
I’ll have the kangaroo and a doggy bag, please.
My dog Schlamazel is Jewish. Is kangaroo meat kosher?